✫ - How much he likes a person. The higher the rating, the more likely there will be tsun.
☡ - How much he dislikes someone. The higher it is, the more likely he starts actively avoiding them. Or being spiteful, maybe.
⇋ - Trust. ...Kind of self-explanatory. More trust means he's more likely to talk about himself and things that bother him.
✂ - Danger, or more specifically how dangerous he thinks someone is. Everyone starts out with 1 by default, and it can go up or down for any number of reasons. It's mostly independent, though -- he can like someone despite finding them to be highly dangerous, for example.
✉ - You are substitute family, which is as high as anyone could possibly get with him. He'd do nearly anything for you, and you get ridiculous levels of love and loyalty from Marcell.
Kaori Iwanoki
✫✫ ⇋⇋⇋ ✂✂✂
Kaori has somehow managed to become an important person to Marcell, and probably the person he trusts the most in Luceti currently which...isn't saying much considering how little trust he puts in people generally. It helps that he first met her while she was injured, so she came off as less of a potential danger. She's been nice to him, and doesn't pry too much.
But he didn't really trust her until the You Are What You Love event, when he found that Kaori's down some street time herself. He also learnt that she could sense emotions, and figured out that she was blind. It has...given him a lot of mixed feelings. On the one hand, the empathy and street time makes him feel a little unsafe, but this isn't surprising. On the other hand, it's relieving that there's someone else who understands how it's like, and maybe understand the burn of suddenly going from fringe to relative security. And in a way, she's some kind of hope to him that he can get out of the sort of dead-end existence being a street kid entails, even if he thinks it won't actually happen. He feels less uncomfortable around her at any rate, and probably would tell her more about where he's from if she asks.
Character Name
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