Age: 12
Height: 4'7"
Weight: 65 lbs
Medical Info: Kiiind of unhealthy. He's underweight for his age and has terrible eating habits, hasn't been eating well.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brownish-red
Physical traits: Really small and scrawny. Filial wings are brownish-red like his hair.
What's Okay To Mention Around Him/Her: Pretty much everything! He doesn't like talking about himself much, and family is a pretty big hot button for him, but nothing he can't deal with.
Abilities: Marcell has the ability to create an invisible barrier by forming his hands into a box shape. The barrier is always box-shaped, and anyone inside will be cut off from everything outside, including oxygen. The area inside the barrier will look like how it would be without people to outsiders, and the area outside the barrier will similarly look like how it would without anyone to everyone inside; he can also do it without the illusion. He instinctively knows how much oxygen is left within the barrier, and can detect people right outside the barrier. He can make the barrier larger or smaller, but can't move it and can't let anything enter or leave it without taking the whole thing down first. Also, any barrier he makes cannot exclude him as it's formed around him.
Killing/ Marcell, breaking his concentration, or sufficiently powerful and/or wtf attacks can break the barrier, particularly if they’re successively rapid. The duration he can maintain the barrier is limited by both his stamina and how much oxygen is left, whichever happens first. Larger barriers are also more tiring to maintain.
Magic of all kinds are less effective on him, though in same cases this is only marginally. So while this means he'd hurt a little less from offensive spells, healing and protective magic won't work as well with him either. He doesn't know about this yet ftr because he has practically zero experience with magic.
On a more normal note, he's a fast runner, a good climber, and surprisingly dexterous since he made a living as a pickpocket.
Notes for the Psychics/Magically or Spiritually sensitive: He's a normal human that might feel a little off to people who can detect magical energy or whatever. Excess mana, basically, which is why he's got that barrier ability.
For psychics, there's a lot of observing the surroundings and people he's talking to and PARANOIA. Deeper than that there's a lot of thinking about his friends back home and missing them and abandonment issues.
Can people threadhop with you/in your posts?: Sure, as long it's not marked as private.
Hugging/kissing/other non-violent physical contact: He'll probably flail and squirm, but go ahead.
Can I fight your character?: Y, but why would you even. Also, he'll probably try to run the hell away.
Can I punch/cause your character non-serious injuries?: Sure :|b
Maim/Murder/Death: Talk to me :|a
Cooking: ...Lololol he can make simple stuff, but nothing that actually tastes good.
Other: I like doing horrible things to him, so don't be shy to plot with me.