Hi, there. I'm new to Boxer, although I customized the hell out of my other journal
_tumblweed using Component. While futzing around, I figured out how to edit the link area, and thought I'd post it here in case anyone else might be interested. This tutorial, copied exactly, will give you three linking sections, like in my journal,
black text is needed
blue text should be edited
function Page::print_linklist() {
link header here:
link 1 ::
link 2 ::
link 3 another link header
link 4 ::
link 5 third header
link 6 """;
EDIT: Thanks,
phoenixdreaming, for pointing out how many pieces of Boxer this breaks. ^.^ A better code for the default width is in the comments. I'll keep working on it, but not right now. Bed...