Wikipedia has a slow animation of a peach collapsing. (Scroll down when you get there.) Whoever did this photographed a peach once every 12 hours for six days, beginning with its firm-fleshed bloom and ending with withered, moldy age. It's neat.
Neat. But yt wishes it went further. It's not nearly all the way rotted/molded away before it recycles to the original fresh peach. Meanwhile I saw part of a video once, where the videographer shot someone peeling an orange, or maybe it was a grapefruit, then squishing the peeled fruit in his/her (I forget) hand until the pulpy bits squished out between his/her fingers, then put it together so the frames showed in reverse - the pulpy bits all oozed up and formed this perfect peeled fruit and then the other hand unpeeled it. Marvelous.
And look at that - I just ran into this verysame wikipedia page on a meandering of my own. Long and complicated. I was trying to look up info on animal decomposition. Because I have an animal whose decomposition I want to hasten and don't know how. I want the bones, see. It's a squirrel, fell out of a tree or hit by a car or some such, not actually as gruesome or creepy as it probably sounds at first.
Well, That's a question for our pal in physical anthro if I ever heard one. (You know she buried a baboon and dug it up at intervals for her undergrad thesis?)
Well, wouldya want to forward the question to said dear pal for me? Did she perhaps do any experiments where she didn't bury the baboon? Cause I don't know about burying the squirrel at this point. Cheers to her & hubby from me. And does she happen to know about lime? Wikipedians were not in consensus about whether it quickened or slowed decay or just cut smell or what. And if it does quicken decay and/or cut smell, where would one buy something like that, in not-wholesale-amounts? Incidentally, I'm thinking maybe we should chat sometime about new years. When you have time and are less-than-average stressed?
Comments 4
And does she happen to know about lime? Wikipedians were not in consensus about whether it quickened or slowed decay or just cut smell or what. And if it does quicken decay and/or cut smell, where would one buy something like that, in not-wholesale-amounts?
Incidentally, I'm thinking maybe we should chat sometime about new years. When you have time and are less-than-average stressed?
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