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Is there anyone who likes slash here? If so, there's this great community that does slash with original characters. They have, like, slash art, writing tools, and a place for everyone to hang out.
Here's the link to FateFiction
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Comments 40
Slash is using already established characters and then pairing
them in non-canon ways. As in Kirk/Spock. Or Bush/Obama.
Couples who are paired in canon are also not slash. As in
Brian/Justin or "Janto."
If you mean stories where the characters have sex, those are
called "erotic fiction." Or porn. It's NOT slash.
I hate to get technical, but terms have meanings. Language
is specific. That's what makes it so good.
are looking for.
If you are looking for "slash" that's something very
different from M/M fiction and vice versa.
Before you get your knickers in a twist, step back
and consider your terms. That's why things are labeled
in certain ways.
I love slash, and by that, I mean m/m adult stories with characters from a book or a film/tv show. I'm in HP fandom :D:D
Actually, technically, original m/m erotic/adult stories are not slash, they are just homoerotic stories...it's a bit misleading...
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