This is to tell Christina that YOU NEED TO QUIT TALKING SHIT ABOUT ME NOW. Also you should quit kissing ass when you are around me.. How about FUCK OFF.
Here I posted something. I've been having fun...with people...and stuff. So suck on that. MIke says Heck yes it is!!!!! And I sucked him off in the walk-in. MIke says Heck yes she did!!!!!
Fuck pretty much everyone. If you don't like me, my friends, my car, my music, whatever.........FUCK YOU..................... I Just hate people right now. Hold on ...... No I still hate people.
My comp is dead so I can't update and plus now I'm to good for LJ cause I'm a fucking hundred thousand aire bitches. Hey you did not even get off you were so excited so I signed off for you hahahaha...