It's been a long time since I've written in here! A lots been going on! I've been busy with work and any1 who's tried to call me should know that cuz I dont call anyone back anymore which sucks! I went to Cedar Point and man was that a blast! Saw tyler and that was fun! Jessica was the biggest bitch ever! But i'm glad I had Bethany there or else
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Comments 2
If you have a problem with the way I was acting you need to talk to me about in not post it somewhere in public like an immature highschooler......what the fuck!!!! You dont know what was goin on and you didnt even try to talk to me about it which would have been the adult thing to do. Maybe ive changed yes.....I grew up maybe you didnt.....people change when they need to live for themselves Maria....things for me arent the best but you wouldnt know that. Im sorry I dont have people that will hand me the world without thinking about it like you have it. I wish you the best but you will never know how the feeling of working for something cuz you were never given the chance. Im sorry for being a bitch but the reasoning behind it had more than you knew. If you wish to talk some more shit you let me know dont go telling the whole fuckin world next time......
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