I'm sure we can work that out when you write me something saying I get the part that you claimed me on. I think I still actually have legal right to it. My friends going through a divorce too with the same circumstances. That and I think that since I left in june that means that I wasn't living with you for six months out of the year... they might have a problem with that. Not saying I won't cooperate... just saying you might want to be careful as far as the IRS is concerned... that and since I didn't live with you for 6 months I think you have to file differently. That way you're not just getting money out of me. You know how it goes.
actually - disregard what I just wrote. I'm at work and have no idea what I was saying there. A) that's not something I want to post on LJ... and B) if there's something that requires my ssn regarding taxes - it also requires my signature. So I don't know what you're doing there... but let me know maybe because they're my taxes too. Thanks!
i am filing married filing separately. thats what the turbo tax thingy said to do. it only required your ssn, i didnt see anywhere that your signature was needed. you can email me it at asalsbur@oscar-austin.navy.mil believe me i understand your concern. thanks
apparently it isnt on the page 2, but i am going to contact the people at deers when i get back. unless you would email it to me so i can get it done while away. thanks.
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