My dear Alicia (who I'm marrying in less than two months) will already have read this...
I get a call asking me when we can have an engineer to a server call. It was logged earlier and the agreed fix time is early Monday morning but apparently some higher-ups from my company and their company decided it should be done quicker. I speak to Incident Management and they say we can't do the call because we're waiting on a part.
All good, I tell the dude and he asks me to tell a senior manager who will be known here as JW to tell him that because he's not a happy bunny.
I hang up but find out we don't need a part, there's a whole other server on site which was delivered for precisely this reason. I ring IM again who say Allocation don't have an engineer free because he's doing Tesco calls. I want to ring the guy from the exec phone back just to tell him the real reason but can't remember his name so I go looking through the comms text of the incident for any clues. This character (who will be called their Andy from now on) pops up in the same paragraph as JW so I call him. He isn't the man I wanted but he _does_ know about the call I'm referring to. He is JW's boss.
So he wants the call doing due to this outstanding arrangement and I think of sending our on-call server engineer to do it. Whilst I'm chatting to the engineer (who lives the other side of London to the site) one of our high-ups (about the same level as JW and who will be known as our Andy) calls the exec phone to explain that their Andy has just called and to ask what we're doing about it. So after an hour or so of calling round I finally have an engineer on the way, instructions, directions, ETAs and everything sorted.
Now I've just got to call the Branch Manager to tell her when the engineer will arrive so she can go back to open the branch. This is when her mobile goes straight to voicemail.
My heart stopped.
Anyway, the story has a mostly happy ending, after about twenty minutes I managed to get through, she wasn't aware an engineer was being sent today so closed the branch at 1200 like normal and went to help her daughter move house. She's not exactly thrilled to be going back to the branch five hours after leaving for the day but we have sowed the wind and now we're reaping the whirlwind.
The bright spot in my day though came when our Andy tells me "JW isn't a problem any more". I expect to see his bullet-riddled corpse pop up in a ditch around Leeds any day now.
By the way, if you weren't invited to my wedding/reception and think I made a mistake, tell me in the comments!