This is a brave boast. I look forward to pissing on their parade from a very great height.
In other news I'm off to America on Thursday to see the missus, where I look forward to pissing on their St. Patrick's Day parade from a very great height.
I have come of the house today to find my BMW slightly less clearly marked due to the badge proudly adorning the bootlid having been nicked. I blame kids
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"User was sitting on a pc and the straps that hold it in place had come undone and the base unit has collapsed onto the floor. The unit turns on and beeps and then nothing happens
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Sometimes the first-line helpdesk we deal with are good at their jobs and give clear, precise details of what they have attempted and what the problem is. Sometimes however, they don't
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...when people try and work out how Father Christmas can deliver so many presents in such a short time. Most of them are working with faulty information
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