Today has started with a bomb. Alright so really, this all started when I came back to Hogwarts. (my home away from home.) Liz had betrayed hurt me. She says she didn't mean too, and I believe her, I think.
I don't know if I can trust Liz right now. I really want to, but it just doesn't seem possible, at the moment. She says she's sorry she hurt me and all this other stuff, but how could she have not realized what her actions were going to do.
I can't even think straight right now, this problem is consuming me. But is it even worth it, how do I really know she won't do anything like this ever again? How can I trust her after this. How will I ever know if she's keeping her word, or if she's really doing things with Dex when she checks on the potion.
I don't know if I can trust her ever again. I know I told her I just needed time to sort these things out. But maybe these things have been sorting themselves out for these past couple weeks. Maybe it's just going to be like this. Maybe I'm not being paranoid, maybe she doesn't really love me.
At first I had really thought that she did love me, then after she cheated on me with Dex I thought it was just a fluke. But now, the way she acts, I thought I was being paranoid, but when I said it in our fight... she didn't deny it. No she just said she was sorry. So maybe she doesn't love me anymore. Maybe she really loves the person I hate, Dex Clearwater.
I'm getting a mirgraine from this all...