(no subject)

Nov 20, 2004 10:02

Alright. I think I am very confused.

Knightley Shaklebolt is very confusing.

For one, he thinks he has to push himself so hard. It is like he has something to prove. To be the best. I mean, that is great to be so motivated if it is something you really want for yourself. Maybe he does. I just don't see that part in his eyes. It's like he's being forced to work so hard. But he's the only one insisting upon it. To prove himself to his father. At least that is how it looks from my perspective. He is driving himself so hard and he doesnt see that it is backfiring on him. Making him weaker instead stronger. But he will never admit to that, will he? He's a stubborn ass. Much more than any Weasley I ever met. And of course I feel like I have to help him see that. I don't know why. I guess it just bothers me to see someone who is obviously in denial about their well being. It's really infuriating. And then what does he do. He gets close to me, making me all flustered and nervous. And then just to completely throw me off, he kisses me. Which would have been great, if I hadn't been so worried or irritated by him. I mean, the kiss was actually great. I really wanted to push him away. To let him know that he couldn't just do that. But no. I just fall right in there and melt into it. I'm so mad at myself. I don't know why he did it. I think he mostly just wanted me to get off his back and stop bothering him. I probably should. It's not really my business what he does. I badgered him so bad. I am such a Hufflepuff. Putting my nose into things that don't involve me. I should probably just leave him alone and go about my own business. Yes. Just leave Knightley Shaklebolt alone, Nicole. He doesn't need you.
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