I just received word that Beau Malfoy is going to leave Hogwarts. He is apparently returning home because his family will lose their house if they have to pay his Hogwarts tuition as well. Beau is sacrificing his magical education to help his family. I think our family should be helping as well. Please talk to your parents and Grandmum and Granddad. I hope that the more the younger Weasley's squawk about this family nonsense, the sooner it will come to an end. We need to stand together on this one guys. I hope you are with me and agree. Jack, Beau is hard headed and sensitive at the same time. Be cautious but friendly with him. He needs to know he has people he can count on. You can talk to Bronte as well, until I get back. I hope to return soon, but in the meantime, do everything you can to help our cousin. He deserves it.
P.S. If anyone asks about the results of try-outs, just tell them I will post them when I return and that you don't know anything. (But the house team does have Weasley written all over it - can't help it if we were born to play the sport, can we? =D)