BPAL User Since: April 2005
LJ Name: miss_isis_uk
Community member: BPAL.org, Lush UK and NA forums. LJ's: alchemylab, bpal_excathedra, bpalmarketplace, bpal_wishlists, bpal_addicts, now here.
Forum Name: yeahbutnobut (regular forumite)
Location: London, UK
Ebay ID: whiskers_whispers (strictly speaking, this is under my mum's name and account, as Ebay doesn't accept my debit card as verification :( I also only buy on Ebay, so far, I haven't sold anything there. Does feedback for buying on ebay count?)
Preferred method of payment: non-cc Paypal only (but may accept cheques for UK transactions)
http://www.bpal.org/index.php?act=ST&f=11&t=127&st=400#entry204198 Successful transactions so far...
In some cases, I have posted both the LJ and forum names of swappers/buyers.
Swapped with:
BPAL.org usernames: aessedai, Aredhel, Bain, blood*rose*flowers, brownbear, chopchica, cricketshay, cuervosueno, darkling, Galen, helarctos, hologhost, kmasden, k00kaburra, laochodia, lorajc, Lucretia, Lycanthrope, olympia301, OriginalWacky, sarada, Sheila, sihaya09, Spastik_Kitty, UltraViolet, wolfie13 (and many more)
Livejournal Usernames: sunk, shay_85, shantih, originalwacky, xelucha, chopchica, honeyjubilee, speccygeekgrrl, brumbjorn, visionshadows, fayemeadows,
Bought from:
BPAL.org Usernames: aessedai, Aredhel, Ayrdaomei, babykitty, Bain, bigeyedgirl, blaqpearl, Blood onmy hands, bloodpoppies, Carly, chopchica, ChupaChup, clover, cranberry, darkling, dreadeddragon, emzebel, feline.by.design, Finny, Gin, gingersnapp, Glitzie, grrrlennyl, helarctos, Jasminepearls, Julilla Regina, ketalady, Krista, laochodia, lohengrin, Lucretia, LupaWulf, Nemesister, olympia301, paperdoll, parrot_suspect, phoefromelsewhere, Pookstrell, Rheliwen, roesmoker, scarlet, shelldoo, Shollin, slugbait, tart, tempete, wolfie13 (and many more)
Livejournal Usernames: sunk, ayrdaomei, chopchica, finny321, shantih, kmlloyd, hayet, tiirz, la_colere, cupide430, kamyra, littlewolf13, shimmer_star, robyno, roxann_ireland, perishtwice
Sold to:
BPAL.org Usernames: AmusedMuse, Andromedii, Atalanta Pendragonne, Batgirl, Bellatrix, cagedflame, canciona, crescentwench, dannahmal, darkover, Eowyin, ephemera, Firewaver, Galen, gingersnapp, Glitzie, gothiccastle, herbhealer, Jasminepearls, kithrobyn, kmasden, Krista, Larila, latzoni, Lilithlefay, Lizbet, modesty_blaise, Nynaeve, olympia301, Orodemniades, perclexed, sitanpu, sookster, stanza (and many more)
Livejournal Usernames: insertfancyname, rhovanion, roanoah, artemisia_mia, iriedanym, bethie_nova, halle, yoshitsune, waterdaughter, teh_daitouryou, liquidxcrack, sky_dark, latzoni