(no subject)

Mar 07, 2005 15:39

*-Standard Stuff-*
x School: Brookwood
x Eyes: Blue
x Height: 5'3"
x Shoe Size: 8 1/2 or 9
x Who lives with you? Mom, Dad
x When is your bedtime? whenever the hell I wanna go to bed

in the last 24 hours*
x Cried: yes
x Worn jeans: yup
x Met someone new: no
x Done laundry: yes
x Watched a Movie: yes
x Went to the movies: no
x Went shopping: nope
x Gotten sick: no
x Lied: No

*-Have You Ever-*
x Missed school cuz of weather: dont think so, like if school was closed then yea
x Lit urself on fire: oh yea, all the time. NO
x Kept a secret from everybody: yes..all the time
x Had an imaginary friend: when I was little, yes
x Ever been in love w/a friend: Umm, you could say that..
x Cried during a Movie? yes
x Had crush on an teacher? no gross
x Been on stage:  yep
x Cut your own hair: yes-I was in a bad mood and it was the only thing I could control. Creative huh?
x Done drugs: Hell no
x Seen a murder: dont want to

*-Your Firsts-*
x First best friend: Jonathan
x First car: none yet
x First self purchased album: probably britney spears or some gay shit like that
x First piercing/tattoo: ears
x First enemy: Ha...too many to name from elementary school
x First big trip: Down to fla
x First failing grade: Math

*-In the Last Week -*
x Been mean: prolly
x Been sarcastic: uhh yea
x Talked to someone you have a crush on? Yes
x Hugged someone: yea
x Fought with your parents? nope
x Got in an argument with your best friend: Nope
x Laughed until you cried: no
x Played truth or dare: no                                               
x Went to the beach at night: no

*-About my Friends-*
x Laughs the weirdest? I don't know
x Makes you laugh the most? Dane
x Who have you known the longest? Jonathan
x Loudest? 
x Is the quietest? Kimberly
x Is the weirdest? They're all weird
x Is the funniest? Dane's gettin up there with Hooha and Emmo
x Who do you usually go to about all of your problems? Dane
x Who comes to you? everyone
x Do you have a crush on someone? yes i do

*-Who Did this Last-*
x Called you:  Dane
x Slept in your bed: me!
x Saw you cry: i dont know..No one see's me cry.
x Made you laugh: Dane
x You shared a drink with: Danielle
x You went to the movies with: Lj and Ya
x Bought you something: No one

*- Extras -*
x Black or white? dont get that
x TV or movie? Movie
X Cat or dog? both
x Walmart or target? wally world
x Winter, Spring, Summer or Fall? Winter
x Sun or rain? sun
x What are you gonna do after this? call my mom cuz I gotta ask her a question
x When was the last meal you ate? ramen noodles
x High school or college? highschool
x Last TV show you watched? Some gay shit on mtv
x Last movie you saw in theaters? White Noise w/ Lj and Ya..n Dane before that..haha, I saw it twice
x Last noise you heard? music
x Last smell you smelled? country apple

x Favorite Color: blue
x Favorite Fast Food: i dont know
x Favorite Movies: Little kid movies. haha. Disney movies, or Adam Sandler!!
x Favorite sport: baseball
x Wearing: jeans and a shirt

Thinking about:
x Listening to: Miss Independent
x Been to Canada? nope!!
x Danced Naked? haha- maybe
x Skinny dipped? nope
x Stalked someone? heck nah
x Snuck out? no-

*- Random -*
x Are you bored? yes
x Are you lonely? yes
x Are you happy? nope
x Who named you? Parents..
x When was the last time you showered? this morning
x What color pants do you have on right now? blue
x What song are you listening to right now?  Beautiful Soul
x What color is your shirt? blue
x What is right next to you? the phone
x What are the last 4 digits in your phone number? 0732
x Are you eating anything? no..
x What did you do last night? talked to ppl and slept
x How are you today? crappy
x Do you have your license? not yet...real soon though
x What book are you reading now? idr the name..
x Nickname: Rach, Rachooo, Rachu, Rachie, Smiley, Retard, Bad Luck many more
x Pets: dog, cat, snake, turtle
x Siblings: Stephen, John, Sarah
x Gone out in public in your pajamas: yes, with Stephen and John..and they made me wear this retarded hat!
x Played ding-dong-ditch? no
x Did something illegal? yea
x Gotten arrested? nope 
x Gotten a ticket for something? no
x Prank called someone: yes of course..

*-Do You Believe In-*
x Yourself: not all the time
x Santa Claus: uhh...sure
x Tooth Fairy: nope
x Destiny/Fate: I used to...
x Angels: yep
x God: yes
x Bigfoot: yea

*-Friends and Life-*
x Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend? no
x Do you like anyone? yea
x What's the best feeling in the world: Being all shaky, having butterflies in my stomach when I'm around someone
x Worst Feeling: Knowing something...that yall can't know!!
x Worst fear: Dying without having loved
x Time now: 3:36 PM

x Last car ride: Home from Stephens
x Last good cry: When he left...
x Last library book checked out: idk
x Last beverage drank: Peach mango stuff
x Last shoes worn: potato
x Last cd played: Nickelback
x Last item bought: shirt and a jacket
x Last annoyance: heh...somethin
x Last time wanting to die: Umm...over Christmas break..
x last shirt worn: old camp shirt. Not like I've got anyone to impress.

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