why does tonight have to end? why don't we hit restart and pause it at our favorite part we'll skip the goodbyes if i had it my way i'd turn the car around and runaway just you and i
JESS!!!!! brandon got the I <3 Tater Tots pin!!!!!!!!!!! i bet he wore it to school and you already saw it... but oh well! it's in his journal haha. i'm sorry i didn't go to school today :( the whole story's gonna be in my journal.. i miss you though!!
i just commented him and told him i have the same one! woot woot. :) TOO BAD WHEN I WENT TO YOUR JOURNAL YOU HADN'T UPDATED YET. grr. :( i'll read later. you missed a full eventful day! let's see. at lunch i had brown sugar poptarts. i'm so mad. :( becauuuse i had breakfast this morning. I'M SUCH A FUCKING FATTY. the rest of the day went well. except for you not being there. i missed looking at your head in english! we got these books, and we have to read part one by wednesday. too bad you weren't there to get yours. HA. kidding. then, there's this new kid in my earth science class, and the whole class he kept looking at me and my umm..bum. lol. and at the end he said to mike musselman, she's HOT..and i was like what? and mike was like teheheh YEA SHE IS. and then mike told me about it, and i was like eww yea right. and him and chris were like YEA YOU ARE! lol funny. anywho..my fingers hurt. i lover you. bye.
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