
Aug 22, 2004 21:52

Somebody's gonna give you a lesson in leavin ( Read more... )

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Comments 8

_standing_still August 22 2004, 20:06:52 UTC
i like it if youre singing it hahah
well actually, ive never heard of it.
you should leave me a message with you singing that song
on my cell.
that would be great
and ill save it forever and ever
and when youre famous. ill get to be ono VH1
because ill have your voice on my cellular

heck yeh!


br0kens3rvant August 22 2004, 20:08:32 UTC
i wont ever b famous chick i dont sing that great blieve me LOL i think ur deaf yo haha....but i will leave that message 4 ya hahaha


c0ncrete_angel August 23 2004, 09:56:00 UTC
Could this song have anything to do with what you told Alison and me this morning in first?
And if it does
Dont worry
Alison and i will beat him up.
Luv ya.


br0kens3rvant August 23 2004, 16:52:11 UTC
ur sucha smartie LOL yes it is does sweetz haha! im sry u felt bad 2day i wrote u a note and everything soo mayb if u come 2morro or soemthing i'll give it 2 ya then...i love you!!!!:D


GuYz ArE jERkS!! c0ncrete_angel August 24 2004, 17:17:38 UTC
gUyZ aRe jErKs!! EsPeCiALLy gUyZ nAmEd jAsOn**iM jUsT KiddiN iTs nOt hIs faULt hE wAs mIsiNfOrmEd --- i JuSt wIsH hE wOuLd lIsTeN tO mE!! iM fEElIn PrEttY bAd aLsO sO iM gOnnA gO nOw iLL sEe U lAtEr!!
HeRe iS a sOnG fOr yA---
iM noT a pErFecT pErsOn, thEreS maNy thInGs i wIsH i dIdNt dO,but iLL cOntInuE LeArNiN, i nEvEr meAnT tO dO thOse thIngs tO u, aNd so i HaVe tO sAy bEfoRe i gO: i jUsT wAnT u 2 kNow, i'vE fOUnD a ReAsOn fOr mE 2 cHanGe wHo i UsEd 2 bE, a REaSOn tO stArT oVeR nEW aNd tHe rEaSoN iS YOU!!.........


Re: GuYz ArE jERkS!! br0kens3rvant August 24 2004, 17:34:56 UTC
some guyz r but there r some good 1s out there 2;) NOO I HAVENT FOUND THEM YET EITHER hahah! well im glad we've got 2 kno each other a lil bit! i mean... if it weren 4 jason we wouldnt b talkin right now soo yeh weird things happen 4 weird reasons...gurl u;ve jus gotta b strong...u shouldnt NEED a guy 2 feel complete c wat im sayin? well ttyl gurl <3buh*byez


c0ncrete_angel August 28 2004, 15:37:50 UTC
Lookie there.
Someone got a new icon.
Kayla likes it.

Good job in the tourney!!


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