There are (or will be!) four tail-pieces to my Miles Vorkosigan fanfic novel of manners
Forward Momentum, which are not free-standing, and so need to be read in sequence. They will each be link-posted separately at bujold_fic, to preserve individual info and disclaimers, but the links will lead here. The first title-link below will go live very shortly, and the others (D.V.) at intervals of a week or so.
I respect to death every reader's absolute right to confuse themselves as they will, but I promise you that reading these tail-pieces out-of-sequence will not only baffle and annoy, but spoil the earlier ones.
The four are, in proper chronological order:
The Christening Tour . The naming of Harra & Lem Csurik's daughter-by-replicator, with Taura's and Roic's wedding, at Midsummer 2806.
Not Place, but People . The premiere at the Celestial Garden of The haut Pel's Grace to the Fallen. Spring 2807.
The Two Ivans. Guess who? And doing what? Spring 2808.
Vor and Peace. Miles's lecture on the 5th anniversary of the founding of the Gregor and Laisa Toscane Vorbarra Institute for Cetayaran Historiography, strangely annotated by himself and Helen Vorthys. Gregor's Birthday, 2809.