The Superbowl Sucks

Feb 01, 2004 22:11

I mean, obviously I am not a big sports fan. But god, did it suck. I realize it is ongoing currently, but god, it must be the worst event ever. Let's just be slightly more trailer trash and show Janet Jackson's nipple, covered by a tassel. Yeah, that's exciting. Not. I managed to piss off just about every single person in my life this past ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

karebear00 February 2 2004, 05:27:41 UTC
eh...whiney emo bitch is soooo far from it...dont stress. and i'm sure you didn't make everyone upset. cause a) theres moi...b) well theres moi again! seriouslly though you know i'm here to talk when you need it


Re: bradcarlton February 7 2004, 17:57:03 UTC
karen, thank you for being there for me all year. you're a sweetheart.


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