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In every fan's life there are a series of moments that make you fall in love with or re-fall in love with your favorite show/comic/movie. Take ten of those moments and describe them. (Remember to give the name of the fandom/book/movie/etc...)
Buffy the Vampire Slayer:
I remember watching the first episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer in my parent’s basement on accident, after watching a syndicated “Mad about You” working on a history paper for my 7th grade history class. Wow, that was a long time ago. I remember it came on, and I completely accidentally watched it. I was enthralled. I couldn’t believe how cool the show was, and I remember at school the next day asking if anyone has ever seen it, and there was a discussion of how it was a movie and I was confused as to whether this was just a network airing of the movie. THANK GOD it wasn’t.
I watched every episode of Buffy that year, and my love of this amazing show was born.
I was hooked on Buffy/Angel lovin’, I remember Giles saying “A vampire in love with a slayer… it’s rather poetic.” Wow. What a line.
Prophecy Girl, the season finale of season 1 aired… and I wasn’t home for the evening. I remember setting the VCR to record it, and my sister and I watched it late at night after we got home. I remember tearing up during Buffy’s freak-out at Giles & Angel in the library.
“Read me the signs… tell me my fortune. You’re so useful sitting here with all of your books… you’re really a lot of help!” If I wasn’t hooked before, I was then. I felt like I knew Buffy better than I knew myself.
The rest was history. I followed Buffy through the rest of the show faithfully. Most of my friends thought I was nuts. I didn’t care. My locker in high school was decorated with pictures of the cast, I had countdowns to season premiers and I would highlight as each hour passed. YES, obsession.
There were so many moments that reminded me why I loved Buffy. Obviously, “Innocence” comes to mind, as do “Passion” & “Becoming 1&2”. Such excellent television. I remember staring at the television in shock after Buffy impaled Angel. I couldn’t believe they really did it. She sacrificed her one true love. That was the longest summer ever. I cried for more than one day over that. For real. My family considered institutionalizing me. (ha)
Season 3 I loved the show more and more, I even liked season 4 even though so many didn’t. Season 5 I stuck with the show as I wondered if my interest was lessening. It still was excellent. Season 6, though, was excellent. As someone who has been through feelings like that, been as low as Buffy was, I completely identified with her struggles. And “Normal Again” was perhaps the finest hour of television ever made. I never got her more.
Buffy was the great love of my life. I miss it all of the time, but I am so thankful for the shelf full of the Buffy DVD sets that sit next to my television. Buffy may no longer be new, but it will always be played in my home.
I really only watched Angel because it was the Buffy spin-off. I prayed for a Buffy/Angel reunion, and “I Will Remember You” was so beautifully tragic.
I watched Angel simply because it was on after Buffy… and liked it very much…but I didn’t adore the show on its own until season 4. Many people didn’t like Angel season 4… but it made me love it on a new level. I was so into the suspense of it. Every episode left me hanging, I was so excited about what was going on with Cordelia, what was the master plan, and I simply adore the way it unfolded. “Calvary” was excellent. As Cordelia and Lilah ran for their lives from Angelus, I was terrified. When Cordy suddenly stabbed Lilah in the kneck after Lilah yelled “hes gonna kill us” and responded with “Why do you think I let him out you stupid bitch”, I nearly fell over. That was so excellent. What an amazing show.
I wasn’t expecting to fall in love with a new television show. One day over fall break my best friend Caitlin told me that she was making me watch the first episode. She came to my house and we watched the pilot and I was blown away. It was incredible, and I really felt for Sydney. Somehow we managed to watch the first disc that night, and in the next week I rented and watched every single episode. It was amazing.
I think what sucked me in first was the idea of how difficult it had to have been for Sydney to hide everything from Francie and Will. The season one arc of Will looking into Danny’s death was awesome, I wound it so suspenseful and just plain wonderful television. I was on the edge of my seat from the very beginning.
But, the moment when I knew I LOVED the show, up there on the level with Buffy, was in season 2’s “Phase One”. They completely took everything about the show and turned it upside down in the middle of a season. It truly made a show that was unpredictable already truly unpredictable.
Felicity was a truly great show that I loved for very different reasons than Buffy, Angel, & Alias. I saw myself in her.
I loved the pilot. Felicity was so smart yet very very naïve, and her voice over tapes to Sally expressed thoughts and feelings I thought only I had. She was me in college.
Season one’s finale “Felicity was Here” was phenomenal. It wrapped up her year of college so excellently, and there is this great scene where she is discussing how the halls at UNY are like an ant farm… one day the students are everywhere, and the next they aren’t. Keri Russell’s delivery and the excellent writing made me fall in love with the show.
The show was equally funny as it was dramatic at the same time. There were so many moments when Felicity and Ben were at Dean and Deluca with Javier when I laughed so hard. Also, there were so many scenes when I cried my eyes out. Felicity will always have a special place in my heart…
The series finale was excellent. I love how the final episode flashed back to moments throughout the series… I think it was the greatest series finale of a TV show ever.
Sex and the City:
Sex and the City is my newest TV obsession… and I am currently watching. I think I relate so much, because their love lives mirror my own screwed up life so well. And also because each of the 4 is such an extreme way of seeing the world, I can identify with Charlotte so well most of the time. I want to see everything happy and perfect… I want to romanticize everything. And I’m not the only one. I don’t have much to say about Sex and the City yet… I’m only mid season 2. But it is the greatest.
On to movies:
Donnie Darko:
I adore this movie. Something about it, something that I have never been able to put my finger on… I think it’s the idea that we are in control of what happens… but only as much as we believe we can control it.
The movie is sort of fantastical... and it takes a lot of watching to get a deeper meaning. That is the thing I love about the movie, I know what it means to me, but to each different person it is something different. Donnie saved those people… but in a way they will never know, and faintly remember anything of that world. Goosebumps.
The idea that the whole world is really screwed up, and if we go back to the “good ole days” to the way things were, it is so much better is kind of turned upside down in this amazing movie.
I love the concept of color in your life… you don’t get color until you do something you never would have done. You don’t become until you step out of your own box.
And in the end, he finds that no matter where you go, there are problems… you can’t escape who you are or your life no matter what happens. All he needed was to learn that. That movie really touches me.
13 Going on 30:
I know it isn’t the most serious movie ever, but I really love it for a lot of reasons… mostly just because it is funny and Jennifer Garner is such a sweetie. But when she realizes how her life is, and who she has become, she goes home to her mom. The most beautiful song “Vienna” by Billy Joel plays as she seeks comfort at her parent’s house. She asks her mom if she could change things what would she change, and her mom responds “nothing.” It is such a great moment where Jena realizes her mistakes are part of her, just as much as her positive attributes. You learn from everything. That is why I love this movie.
Vanilla Sky:
I find this movie to be quite interesting. It always gives me something to think about. If I were to pick a part of my life to stop it, and start living a life that only exists in my mind, where would it be? A world where I could control what is happening… if I believed it was real does that make it real? Or is it still fake?
Is believing in something what actually validates it?
What Dreams May Come:
I really enjoy this movie because it discusses the afterlife… what happens to us? Who is in charge? Do we make our own “heaven”? Are we punished for what he have done? What does happen to us?
Obviously, I don’t have the answers. Nor do the filmmakers. But such an interesting interpretation.