I had a pretty good view from my seat, and took some videos, however, they aren’t very good quality. Hopefully someone else has better ones to upload. There are a few minutes missing here and there, as we weren’t really supposed to be recording, but I did manage to capture most of the panel.
I think Bradley struck a good balance between humorous
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Comments 2
Thanks for sharing your experience at Supanova! I'm glad that you had a good time and got to meet other fans.
>> When I joined this comm. I never in my wildest dreams
>> imagine I’d actually have something firsthand of my own to contribute.
I feel this way too! I really do live some place that I don't expect them to ever visit, though.
Thanks for explaining about the various rugby shirts.
It warms my heart to hear that Bradley had arranged the differently colored shirts.
(After hearing a girl had given them the shirts, I assumed that she had given them both sets.)
Don't give up hope that you'll never get to meet Bradley and/or the rest of the cast. I didn't think it was possible either, but somehow the unbelievable happened. Fingers crossed for you.
Meeting other fans definitely added to the experience and made it even more enjoyable.
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