Title: "My Future Mother-In-Law Is Queen Of All The Amazons!!!" (3/3)
Author: BradyGirl_12
Pairings/Characters (this chapter): Steve/Diana, Queen Hippolyta
Genres: Challenge, Drama, Dashes Of Humor
Rating (this chapter): PG-13
Claim: For the
dcu_freeforall Challenge
(Diana/Steve)Prompt: T 13; P 23: Where Are My Pants?
Prompt Count: (11/15)
Warnings: None
Spoilers: None
General Summary: Steve meets Diana’s mother face-to-face for the first time.
Chapter Summary: Hippolyta comes to dinner.
Date Of Completion: November 22, 2009
Date Of Posting: March 21, 2010
Disclaimer: I don’t own ‘em, DC does, more’s the pity.
Word Count: 1445
Feedback welcome and appreciated.
All chapters can be found
here. III
“Oh, thanks for stopping at the market, Angel.”
“It is my pleasure, my love.” Diana set the bags of groceries down on the kitchen counter. “Mother assured me that it would only be her for dinner.”
“You’re sure?” Steve put seasoning on the chicken and placed it in the oven, turning on the stove. “Would you put the potatoes in, darling?”
“Of course, my love.”
The baby red potatoes were dumped into a pan and placed in the oven. Steve started a pot on the stove as he cut up fresh carrots.
“What else would you like me to do?”
“Cut up the onions, please.”
For several minutes the only sounds were those of two knives chopping on cutting boards, then Steve asked, “Are you sure such a simple meal will be okay? I mean, your mother must be used to gourmet dinners…”
Diana stopped chopping and put a hand on Steve’s arm. “Beloved, my mother often eats simply at home. And this meal is quite delicious.”
Diana’s smile was softly affectionate. “The pie comes from The Brookfield Orchards so it will be delectable.”
Steve paused in his chopping. “Thank you, sweetheart.” He finished with the carrots. “Could you chop the cucumbers? I have some grape tomatoes to toss into the salad.”
& & & & & &
An hour later Steve was showering and getting dressed. Diana kept an eye on dinner, setting the table in the small dining room.
She was dressed in black pants and a squash-colored peasant blouse. She wore a set of black-and-orange necklace, bracelet, and earrings, the jewelry large and clunky. A gold ribbon sparkled around her hair.
She had high hopes for this evening. At least her mother was willing to make an effort to get to know Steve.
She just hoped that it would not turn into a disaster.
Steve emerged from the bedroom, dressed in dark-blue pants and a light-blue shirt, blond hair soft and shining. He wore his Air Force Academy ring and a modest gold-plated watch. The gold Medal of Athena that she had gifted him with sparkled at his throat.
“Oh, my darling, you are like Apollo descending from the sun.”
He laughed and kissed her. “Thanks, Angel.” He checked on dinner. “Does your mom like cinnamon? I put some apple slices in the oven and I’d like to sprinkle some cinnamon on them.”
“Mmm, sounds delicious. My mother is fond of spices.”
“Okay.” The doorbell rang. “That must be her.”
“I will answer the door.” Diana went to the door and opened it. “Mother, welcome.”
“Thank you, Daughter.”
Hippolyta swept regally into the room, wearing a diaphanous violet gown, a diamond necklace glittering at her throat, a matching bracelet on her wrist next to her Amazon bracelet. A golden tiara studded with jewels of every hue sparkled on her head, her smile cool yet polite.
“Welcome, Your Majesty,” Steve said as he emerged from the kitchen. “I promise no boxer shorts can be found stuffed down behind the couch this time.”
Respect flickered through Hippolyta’s eyes. “I am grateful for that.” She presented the bottle she carried. “Nectar of the Gods.”
“Thank you.”
As Steve headed toward the kitchen with the wine, Hippolyta drawled, “It is from Dionysus’ private wine cellar.”
Steve turned around, his eyebrow lifted. Hippolyta smiled.
“Would you like a drink, Mother?”
“That would be fine.”
Diana poured everyone apple wine. “Not Dionysian but still good.”
“Mmm, you’re right.”
Steve brought in a tray of sesame seed crackers and cheese and they sat in the living room.
“Have you written your U.N. speech yet?” Diana asked.
“Oh, yes, ages ago. I am quite proficient in this sort of thing by now.”
Amusement lit Diana’s face. « I suppose centuries gives you plenty of practice. »
Hippolyta rapped Diana’s knee. “Saucy brat.”
Steve joined in the laughter. “Are you enjoying your time in America, Your Majesty?”
“It is always interesting: noise and people and stress. Little wonder your people die early of heart attacks.”
Steve blinked and Diana said, “Serenity is lacking, but surely you cannot see the excitement in this country.”
“It takes all kinds.”
“Diversity is a fine thing.”
“May I ask what your speech is about?” Steve asked.
“Oh, peace, love, the usual Amazon tenets.”
“Admirable ones.”
“We think so.”
Steve excused himself to check on dinner. Hippolyta watched him go and said in a low voice, “Fair of face and a cook? Interesting, Daughter.”
Diana laughed. “You see? You can appreciate Steve’s assets.”
The Queen smiled.
& & & & & &
“I hope you don’t mind simple American fare,” Steve said as he served dinner.
“Good food is always welcome, Major.”
Diana noticed the flicker in Steve’s eyes at the continued use of the formal rank.
“Thank you, Your Majesty.”
“Steve and his parents have been giving me cooking lessons,” Diana said.
“A useful skill.”
Steve uncorked the bottle of wine that Hippolyta had brought and poured. He took a sip, his eyes widening.
“Truly, Nectar of the Gods.”
The Amazons smiled.
Hippolyta took a bite of chicken. “Impressive, Major.”
“Thank you.”
“Mother, will you be meeting with any delegations while in New York?”
“Yes. Part of my address will be about women’s rights. There are societies here in Man’s World that are truly abominable in their treatment of our sex.”
Steve looked uncomfortable but kept silent.
“Did you decide to incorporate gay and lesbian rights, too?” Diana asked.
“Yes. Considering our heritage, it seemed fitting.”
The Queen looked at Steve, then lifted her wineglass.
“I’m a firm supporter of gay rights,” Steve said quietly.
“Refreshing to hear that. Sexuality is such a controversial subject in Man’s World.”
“It is.” Steve took a deep breath. “But not everyone is opposed to consenting adults loving each other in any way they see fit.”
Diana smiled at her lover as Hippolyta looked at him coolly.
“Perhaps that is so.” She sipped her wine. “And you are a career Warrior?”
“Your specialty is flying?”
Steve nodded.
“And how do you rank?”
This time Diana answered, pride shimmering in her voice. “Steve is the finest pilot in all of the United States Air Force, Mother.”
Steve blushed a little but pride shone from his eyes.
Diana nodded. “Truly.”
Perhaps despite herself, respect flickered in Hippolyta’s eyes. “And as a Warrior, do you recognize that there are times when blood must be spilled?”
A little startled, Steve said, “Yes.”
“I ask this, Major, because so many of your heroes refuse to kill. Admirable, but impractical when in a battle to the death. We Amazons understand this.”
“I understand, too, Your Majesty. Few of my fellow soldiers want to kill, but understand that in war, sometimes it can’t be avoided.” He took Diana’s hand. “And I always have my Angel’s back.” She smiled.
Again respect shone in Hippolyta’s eyes. “I am pleased to hear that, Major. My daughter needs someone to ‘watch her back’, as you people say. I am pleased that you take no pleasure in killing, but will do what is necessary to be a Warrior worthy of Diana.”
“Steve is most definitely worthy, my Queen.”
Hippolyta inclined her head in acknowledgment.
& & & & & &
The conversation moved to lighter topics, the three of them discussing Greek art.
“I love the beauty and grace of Greek sculpture.” Steve cut a piece of chicken.
“It is the finest.” Hippolyta sipped her wine. “They valued beauty.” She looked at Steve. “You resemble the finest of the Greek statues, Major. You would no doubt be a fine subject, especially without those pesky pants.”
Steve’s mouth dropped and Diana exclaimed, “Mother!”
Suddenly, Steve smiled. “I’m honored, Your Majesty.” Mischief sparkled in his eyes, matching Hippolyta’s.
Diana picked up on it and her eyes twinkled. “I agree, Mother. I would go with a pose of one knee bent, perhaps with a lyre in hand, as Apollo plays.”
“Ah, yes. And he is as fair of face as Apollo, with hair the color of the sun.”
“Verily, with eyes like the sapphires in Aphrodite’s crown.”
“Comely and with a fine turn of hip and grace.”
“Mmm, sculpted muscles for a sculptor.”
Steve ate a piece of chicken. “If you ladies are through talking about me, I’ll go get dessert.”
Steve rose and headed for the kitchen, his cheeks pink.
Dina leaned over to whisper something to her mother as they watched Steve, Hippolyta’s eyes gleaming.
“Perhaps Man’s World has its assets after all,” Hippolyta said, Diana laughing, Steve shaking his head and grinning in the kitchen as he took out the lemon meringue pie.