Yay! Time for a Master List! Two of my entries head the list since I've already posted, the first a bittersweet Clark/Bruce tale about loneliness at Christmas and the second a mythical rendering of the World's Finest in the Land of Silver 'N' Gold. :)
salmon_pink has written an amusing Harley/Ivy tale that made me smile all the way. :)
This Challenge 's A03 Collection Subcollection (2011) Title:
Victorian Ladies, Elephants, Bulldogs And The 1939 World’s Fair (1-3/3)
bradygirl_12 Pairings/Characters (these chapters): Clark/Bruce, Ollie/Dinah, Steve/Diana, Hal Jordan, Barry Allen, J’onn, J’onzz, Carter/Shayera, Zatanna
Continuity: Batman Begins, Superman Returns
Genres: Challenge, Drama, First Time, Holiday, Romance
Rating (these chapters): G
Warnings: None
Spoilers: None
General Summary: Clark is feeling sad and lonely at Christmas.
Chapter Summary: Bruce invites Clark to the Manor for Christmas.
Chapter Summary: New traditions are born.
Dates Of Completion: November 18, 23, 25, 2011
Dates Of Posting: December 2, 4, 5, 2011
Disclaimer: I don’t own ‘em, DC and WB do, more’s the pity.
Word Count: 1161 + 1836 + 1360 (Total: 4357)
Feedback welcome and appreciated.
Author’s Note: Written for the
2011 World’s Finest Gift Exchange. Prompt: F2: The rest of the Justice League scattered to spend the holidays with friends and family. Everyone just assumed Clark would be doing the same. But Martha passed away a little while ago, and Lois married Richard, and Clark is all alone on Christmas Eve. Bruce finds out, of course, and decides that Something Must Be Done.
CONTINUITY: SUPERMAN RETURNS/BATMAN BEGINS, but expanding to bring in all the other heroes. One or more of the Robins is fine, too, if it suits the story. Also written for my
2011 DCU Fic/Art Silver-‘N’-Gold Winter Holidays Challenge. Prompt: Silver-‘N’-Gold, natch! ;) and saavikam77’s 2011 DCU_Freeforall Winter Holidays Challenge. Prompts: No. 3: Twinkling Lights/Star/Sparkle, No. 8: Family/Home/Shelter/Hearth and No. 9: Christmas Tree. :)
All chapters can be found
here. Title:
Silver ‘N’ Gold (1/1)
bradygirl_12 Pairings/Characters: Clark/Bruce
Genres: Challenge, Fairytale, Fantasy, Folktale, Holiday, Myth
Rating: G
Warnings: Religious imagery
Spoilers: None
Summary: In the Land of Silver ‘N’ Gold, there is warmth and love.
Date Of Completion: November 2, 2011
Date Of Posting: December 16, 2011
Disclaimer: I don’t own ‘em, DC does, more’s the pity.
Word Count: 346
Feedback welcome and appreciated.
Author’s Notes: Written for my
2011 DCU Fic/Art Silver-‘N’-Gold Winter Holidays Challenge. Prompt: Silver ‘N’ Gold. ;) and for
2011 DCU_Free_For_All Winter Holidays Challenge. Prompts: No. 3: Twinkling Lights/Star/Sparkle, No. 14: Snow/Ice/Frost and No. 15: Bundled Up.
salmon_pinkFandom: DCU
Pairing: Ivy/Harley
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 786
Verse: Comicsverse, but not set at any specific point in canon
Disclaimer: They don't belong to me and I don't profit from this.
Summary: Ivy's not usually one for Christmas cheer.
Notes: For
Silver-'N'-Gold Winter Holidays Challenge. Title:
Go For the GoldAuthor:
rijsgFandom: Batman/DC Comics
Characters: Renee Montoya, Kate Kane
Words: 585
Rating: PG
Notes: Written for
DCU Silver-'n'-Gold Holiday Challenge. Title:
New Year's QueenAuthor:
Fandom: DCU
Characters: Roy Harper/Cissie King-Jones, Dinah/Ollie
Continuity: DCU PreBoot
Genre: Romance and Humor
Word Count: 1472
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I don't own 'em but I'll take them gladly if you're offering.
Synopsis: Dressed in gold, Cissie meets a prince in silver, and all she wants is a New Year's Kiss.
Challenge Inspiration:
2011 DCU Fic/Art Silver-‘N’-Gold Winter Holidays Challenge and
2011 DCU Free For All Winter Holidays ChallengePrompts: Silver and Gold (of course), Holiday Parties (Number 1) and Crystals/Glitter (Number 20)
Author's Notes: This is set pre-reboot, before Roy lost his arm and everything turened darker than when hell froze over. Comments are loved, even if you're just saying that you read.
Subject: I come bearing both fic and art! :D
Red, Gold, and SilverAuthor & Artist:
dylogger, for
2011 DCU Fic/Art Silver-‘N’-Gold Winter Holidays ChallengeRating: K/G
Date Completed: 20/12/11
Continuity/Spoilers: DCnU Titans. Likely an AU, because what I know of the DCnU is off the Internet and its screenshots/scans. Also, many assumptions about the DCnU are made.
Character(s): Cassie Sandsmark, Tim Drake, Jack Drake
Pairing(s): gen; pre-Cassie/Tim if you want to see it that way
Length: <800 words; 1180x740
Warning(s): Noap. Abuse of canon, maybe?
Genre(s): drama, friendship
Summary: Tim teaches Cassie to fly.
Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow! ;) (1/1)
bradygirl_12 Pairings/Characters: Steve/Diana
Genres: Challenge, Fluff, Holiday, Romance
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: None
Spoilers: None
Summary: Steve and Diana celebrate Yule.
Date Of Completion: December 15, 2011
Date Of Posting: December 21, 2011
Disclaimer: I don’t own ‘em, DC does, more’s the pity.
Word Count: 447
Feedback welcome and appreciated.
Author’s Notes: Merry Yule, everyone! :)
This story was written for my
2011 DCU Fic/Art Silver-‘N’-Gold Winter Holidays Challenge. Prompt: Silver ‘N’ Gold. ;) Also written for
2011 DCU_Free_For_All Winter Holidays Challenge. Prompts: No. 11: Candy Canes/Cookies, No. 16: Gifts and No. 20: Crystals/Glitter. And, finally, written for the
2011 Wonder Woman Love Fic/Art 70th Anniversary Celebration Challenge. :)
Tangerines, Chocolate, and SapphiresAuthor:
saavikam77Fandom: Smallville
Pairing: Clark Kent/Lois Lane
Rating: PG
Word Count: 1,492
Prompt: For
12days_of_clois: #39/Orange; For the
2011 DCU Free For All Winter Holidays Challenge">L Gifts; Fordcu_freeforall: Fusion; For bradygirl_12's 2011 DCU Fic/Art Silver-N'-Gold Winter Holidays Challenge: Silver-n-Gold (of course :p)
Summary: Lois wakes on Christmas morning to find a few surprises in her stocking.
Disclaimer: DC and WB own everything. I own nothing, darnit.
Author's Notes: Set post-series, with a few spoilers for the end of the series.
The Christmas Party (1/1)
bradygirl_12 Pairings/Characters: Clark/Lex, Martha Kent, Jenson, Pete Ross, Lana Lang, Chloe Sullivan, Miranda Ashton
Continuity: Smallville
Genre: Challenge, Fluff, Holiday, Humor, Romance
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: None
Spoilers: None
Summary: Lex has a Christmas emergency! Clark comes to the rescue. ;)
Date Of Completion: December 1, 2011
Dates Of Posting: December 26, 2011 (
Clexmas), January 16, 2012
Disclaimer: I don’t own ‘em, DC and Warner Brothers do, more’s the pity.
Word Count: 2399
Feedback welcome and appreciated.
Author’s Note: Written for the
2011 Clexmas Winter Holidays Gift Exchange for
josephina_x. Pairing: Clark/Lex. Prompt: Clark is (forcibly?) enlisted to help with something Lex can't handle on his own and for my
2011 DCU Fic/Art Silver-’N’-Gold Winter Holidays Challenge. Prompt: Silver ‘N’ Gold. ;) Also written for
2011 DCU_Freeforall Winter Holidays Challenge. Prompts: No. 1: Holiday Party; No. 10: Santa Claus/Sleigh/Reindeer and No. 11: Candy Canes/Cookies.