Title: Wings Of Angels Trilogy Book I: Epidemic (12/14)
Author: BradyGirl_12
Pairings/Characters (this chapter): Bruce/Dick, Barbara Gordon, Ollie Queen/Dinah Lance (Ollie does not appear in this chapter)
Series Notes: When Gotham falls to an epidemic, Batman and Robin need help to protect the city. All chapters can be found
here. Categories: Drama
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Comments 14
She wondered how many times Bruce had stared at his reflection in the flawless surface.
Maybe because it's hard to draw, I rarely see the detail that most gravestones are polished to mirror-clarity in the many scenes of Bruce at his parents' grave. It's an interesting and evocative touch!
This scene popped into my head as very atmospheric, and I wanted to focus on the women's POV.
Thank you again! I've seen many of those stones and they are beautiful, and an image of Bruce as Batman reflected in that surface just came to me.
Love it when the Muses work well! :)
She felt a shiver course through her as a cloud passed over the moon. The mirrored quality of the stone reflected back the mourners. She wondered how many times Bruce had stared at his reflection in the flawless surface.
When I read this part I got shivers too. A sad but touching chapter.
Thank you, Cavaleira. When the mood hit, this chapter practically wrote itself.
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