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Comments 30

quiltdiva July 23 2011, 04:03:24 UTC
Ohh, loving this! It haunts me that Clark doesn't speak. You describe his reactions so well. I also love how Dick is able to get through to him. Sweet.


bradygirl_12 July 23 2011, 16:40:12 UTC
Ohh, loving this! It haunts me that Clark doesn't speak.

Thank you, Q.D.! :)

I'm not sure if Clark will ever speak in this 'verse. He may as a sign of healing or may remain silent, which could be interesting down the road.

You describe his reactions so well.

I'm trying to tread delicately with Clark's reactions. He's so damanged that his terror easily comes out, but he needs to function at least to some extent, so I'm trying to balance that.

I also love how Dick is able to get through to him. Sweet.


Dick is adorable in any 'verse, isn't he? :)


cat_13145 July 23 2011, 09:55:48 UTC
Hugs Clark and Bruce. Excellent begining.


bradygirl_12 July 23 2011, 16:42:31 UTC
Hugs Clark and Bruce. Excellent begining.

Thanks, Cat! :)


tabru July 23 2011, 13:44:18 UTC
OH GOSH. This was so wonderful. Poor Clark! *holds him tight*

As always, I adore your Dick. He's just the cutest! :D

You definitely need to write more of this verse. <3333


bradygirl_12 July 23 2011, 17:23:07 UTC
OH GOSH. This was so wonderful. Poor Clark! *holds him tight*

He needs to be held in this 'verse, poor dear!

As always, I adore your Dick. He's just the cutest! :D

He's so easy for me to write! :)

You definitely need to write more of this verse. <3333

I've got a few ideas swirling around. :)


angelinachaser7 July 24 2011, 01:36:01 UTC
That was so heartbreakingly sweet.

I liked the flow between the flashbacks and the present, it really shows how much Bruce and his Family have helped Clark come out of himself a little more.

Great story, thanks for sharing :D


bradygirl_12 July 24 2011, 17:40:26 UTC
That was so heartbreakingly sweet.

I liked the flow between the flashbacks and the present, it really shows how much Bruce and his Family have helped Clark come out of himself a little more.

Great story, thanks for sharing :D

Glad you enjoyed this, Angelina! :)

Bruce, Dick, and Alfred are just what Clark needs right now, poor thing.


patrese1 July 25 2011, 00:08:03 UTC
Gosh Bradygirl, how I love your writing!!!

Though we are given brushstrokes of hope, it is the darkness that is in high relief in this exceptional 'verse. And boldly so.

The images of the horrific brutality towards Clark are made even more powerful by contrasting it with Bruce's tenderness. Brilliant writing!!

Who is this Clark and why was he subjected to such treatment by Lionel? How was he subjected to it since he has incredible strength and why can't he speak? Why was he discarded?

Questions, questions and even more questions. Aaagh!

Your characterizations of Bruce, Alfred and Dick are always a joy to read and such a source of hope and comfort.

This amazing 'verse has so many avenues that are just begging to be explored. Please Bradygirl, may we have some more? ;)

Thank you so very much for writing and sharing this.


bradygirl_12 July 25 2011, 02:06:03 UTC
Gosh Bradygirl, how I love your writing!!!


Thank you so much, Pat! :)

Though we are given brushstrokes of hope, it is the darkness that is in high relief in this exceptional 'verse. And boldly so.

You know how to turn a phrase yourself! :)

The images of the horrific brutality towards Clark are made even more powerful by contrasting it with Bruce's tenderness. Brilliant writing!!

Thank you again. I like to paint with those brushstrokes and let the reader fill in the canvas for the rest.

Who is this Clark and why was he subjected to such treatment by Lionel? How was he subjected to it since he has incredible strength and why can't he speak? Why was he discarded?

Questions, questions and even more questions. Aaagh!


And all very good ones! :)

Your characterizations of Bruce, Alfred and Dick are always a joy to read and such a source of hope and comfort.

I DO love writing that little family. :)

This amazing 'verse has so many avenues that are just begging to be explored. Please Bradygirl, may we have some more ( ... )


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