Title: Wings Of Angels Trilogy: Book II: Healing (1/2)
Author: BradyGirl_12
Pairings/Characters (this chapter): Bruce/Dick, Clark, Alfred, Ellie Morrison, Maura Mulvaney, Reva Berry, Kyle McLachlan
Genre: Angst, Challenge, Drama, Hurt/Comfort
Rating (this chapter): G
Claim: For the
dcu_freeforall Challenge
(Bruce/Dick)Prompt: T 11; P 6: Heal
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Comments 4
Thank you, Mimi! Glad you're enjoying it all. :)
Not to mention being strong-armed by Superman and Alfred! ;)
And yep, those paps better run like the wind, b/c they REALLY don't want the Bat to catch them! XD
Thanks, Saavi! And those pesky paparazzi better stay out of the Bat's way! :)
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