10 Years Ago, I:
1. was 10
2. was in 4th grade
3. was best friends with a girl named Emily who i haven't seen in ages
4. had a major crush on a boy named Eric
5. did nothing interesting
4 Years Ago, I:
1. was 16
2. was a sophomore in high school
3. played softball for rec and had the time of my life
4. was obsessed with Bush
5. started swimming distance
2 Years Ago, I:
1. was 18 and a senior in high school
2. knew i was coming to TCNJ and had senioritis hardcore
3. was starting out a crazy relationship with Erik
4. loved Friends, X-Files, 311 and punk rock :)
5. was sad to be leaving the "lunch crew"
1 Year Ago, I:
1. was almost done with my first year of college
2. had figured out what our sophomore living arrangement would be
3. became a vodka junkie
4. started playing ultimate with the then unofficial TCNJ ultimate club
5. made the best friends ever at school
Yesterday, I:
1. slept till 10
2. worked out with erin
3. had a terrible poly-o-sex class
4. watched american idol
5. ate 2 dinners
Today, I:
1. got back my number theory test (88! Yeah!)
2. donated blood
3. ate dinner at home
4. visited chris and talked to erik online
5. went to wawa :)
Tomorrow, I:
1. will play ultimate (assuming the weather is on our side)
2. will do laundry
3. will go to chinese civ and hopefully stay awake
4. will go out to the guys' house
5. will stay sober and not scare away any of my male friends [oops.]