Feb 17, 2007 22:43
These are the RULES that govern the postings made after pairings are created.
- ANYONE can write, whether they participated in the Call for Characters.
- There are NO claims. If 9 people want to write whatever monstrosities crop up, more power to 'em.
- Pairings can be turned into fiction or artwork.
- There is no limit (or minimum) on the size of fiction. There are no restrictions on what it should be (drama, comedy, smut, whatever). Your pairing can be gen or romantic, your choice. Knock yourselves out.
- Works can be posted to this community OR posted to your own LJ and linked from here.
- All works should have the Subject heading of:
Fic: Title by You (Fandom/Fandom)
Art: Title by You (Fandom/Fandom)
All posts should have a header with the following at minimum:
Author: (or Artist: for artwork!)
Pairing & Fandoms: (ie. Rodney McKay - Stargate Atlantis / KITT - Knight Rider)
Rating: either G/PG/PG13/R/NC17 or Anyone/YoungerTeens/OlderTeens/Adult
Warnings should be *anything* that might squick anyone else: Slash, Het, Smut, BDSM, Violence, Non-Con, etc. etc. etc. Consider being over-cautious. People are weird.
Also, PLEASE put anything "adult" (whether for sex, violence, whatever) behind an "lj-cut".
Don't worry about tagging..
At this time, the Calls for Postings for each piles of pairings have no deadlines. That may change if things grow too huge.
General Reminder: ALL WORKS ARE OWNED BY THE AUTHOR/ARTIST, who takes full responsiblity for any fall-out from their work. NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT is intended by anything here.