Other Profile Necessities

Feb 25, 2010 00:57

Name: Nadia Arianto AKA Shuffle

Age: 15

Series originated: Original Character

Abilities: As I mention several times, she’s capable of hacking due to her strange thinking pattern and her natural interest in the area.

She’s also pretty good at drawing. She isn’t godly in it, but she isn’t just drawing stick figures either. She usually draws when she’s bored.

She’s skilled at fighting, puzzle and strategy genre games. Though, most of the time, she mainly focuses on fighting games since she needs to memorize the button combos and such.

NOTES: I still created her and everything for a mini-comic, but I thought she could be an interesting character to play as. :|b

-Her full name is Nadia Arianto, but she prefers to be called Shuffle.
-Appear wise, her right eye is covered by her hair. Which is usually messy bed-hair due to her laziness. Her skin is slightly tanned, this is because her nationality is 100% Indonesian. Despite being 15, her height is roughly the same as 6th grader and she looks very thin. Her hair is naturally black and her eyes are dark brown. Her regular attire is an over-sized shirt, knee-length pants, striped socks and marine sneakers. TL DR; here’s a picture.

-Despite her thin appearance, she’s able to consume a giant meal within seconds. She actually has some sort worm in her organs that prevents her from being fat. I’m not joking.

-Her favorite varies between what type it is. Her favorite sweet snack is sweet martabak, her favorite healthy snack is otak-otak, her favorite sea-food is kerang hijau (green clams) and her overall favorite is ox-tailed soup. All of these dishes exist. I’m not joking.

-She almost never tooks off her headphones, unless it is absolutely nessecary, like taking a bath or sleeping for a full 8 hours or more.

-She has a broad taste of music, but most of the time she likes listening to Capsule, Justice, Dath Punk or anything similar to it.

-Her right eye is blind. The cause of it was an accident by her sister when she was six. Her sister accidentally threw thinner to her face, thankfully only her right eye got injured badly. Shuffle forgave her sister and so did her parents. No one mentioned the incident afterward.

-She’s also near-sighted, but she refuse to wear her glasses.

for future app reference

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