the many Verses of Gabriel Sylar

Nov 16, 2010 14:57

Note:These storylines are for any RP's Sylar's in. If you wish to be active in them,ASK!because to assume makes an ass out of you and me.

'Verses Sylar is in

Canon-Follows the events of 'Heroes

+The little brother.+('The Petrelli Brothers'Verse)-
Sylar never had any real family before.Until now.-Taken by lifetimedreamer

+The addiction+
This is a person that Sylar can't seem to get enough of.Gaining the majority of his attention, obsession, etc.Wether this is a good thing or not however remains to be seen-OPEN.(Verse may have dark untertones such as semi-rape, pain,Possivessness,etc)

+The Love Interest+
Elle always was an obsession of his, the one that got away.The one he wanted to fall in love with...-Taken by Snarky_blonde((This verse is a merger of 'What about now' and 'Becoming Undead'))

+The crush+
Sylar always did have an odd fasicnation with Mohinder.-Taken by Doc_suresh.

+The lovers+
Various crushes and loves through his life-OPEN.

+The best friend+
This person(or persons)will be considered one of Sylar's best friends.Or perhaps his only friend.-OPEN


Wanted Verses.

A Peter for 'the Addiction'would be most awsome!

Anything with Nathan, Angela, Arthur or Noah.

A Samuel to buddy up to/ Hate and threaten!

This is a long shot, but I would also like to try out him being Gabriel.I dont get to play him Pre-Sylar very often and am Always looking for characters to go all soft on.For verses with my Gabriel please watchmakersways

A Mohinder to talk to, befriend, and generally like/dislike/torment etc.

I'm also open to any ideas, storylines, verses etc.(Keep in mind though that I have the right, but not the ability, to say no to any ideas whatsoever.Just a warning, so I dont hurt anyones feelings and all that jazz
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