So this is going to be one of those horrendous posts that isn't a chapter of my story, and is instead just a massive ball of rambling crap. Yes I bet anyone reading this is already jumping for joy/ closing the page thinking 'fuck this, i'll come back when she's posting some LL'. But hell it's a new year and i'm going to blog, plus I think it will serve as some kind of handy look back thing when I come to the end of 2010, i'm sure i'll read this and think 1) i'm a twat and 2) I really didn't achieve anything this year. Because frankly, when do I achieve anything?
Ok tell a lie, i've made some achievements in my life, i've also fucked up a multitude of times, but I will refrain from dwelling on the fuck ups, instead i'm just going to tell myself that this year I will at least TRY not to do something stupid. Mainly because I can't cope with my idiocy, and also because I think i've made my parents despair enough over the past two years. As they said last time, 'Chloe why can't you just THINK before you DO?' It's a good question...
Anyway, 2009 wasn't all bad, I passed my first year of uni quite nicely, of course year two is where it actually counts, but I don't think i'm doing too badly with that. Year two of uni also brought the new house, I like it, I miss it quite a lot, i'll be back there on thursday and it makes me smile just thinking about it (though before xmas I was desperate to come home, now i'm sick of home, want my independence back!)
I lost the most important friendship of my life this year, it was a friendship I had envisioned lasting forever, but people aren't always who you think they are. I'm wary with people now.
I'm trying to think back over the year, trying to pin down points of interest, but really i'm not that interesting. I've changed I think, well there's a lot about me thats the same, but i've definitely changed. This time last year I was in the unhealthiest relationship ever, i'm so glad i'm out of it, and despite him texting, phoning and begging my friends to see me, i've managed to successfully avoid him since we broke up. Maybe this year i'll meet someone who isn't a complete and utter wanker, I live in hope.
Skins. Well I suppose I should chat a bit about it. Background information to the obsession- I loved series 1 and 2, I wasn't obsessive, but I did watch every episode, I was a fan. When series 3 rolled around I wasn't interested, not in the slightest, in fact I completely boycotted the thing and voiced my disapproval. A very good friend of mine begged me in the summer to watch it, insisted I would love it, I continued to refuse (i'm stubborn). By accident I stumbled across a clip, the clip led to more clips, the clips led to episodes and before I knew it i'd watched the whole series in the space of a day. Now background information to the background information is that I have levels, disinterest, casual interest and obsession. Obsessions are intense, they basically take over, and Skins series 3 became one of these obsessions. The dvd was purchased, watched on a daily basis, I started writing fiction, I became a messageboard lurker who then turned into a messageboard fanatic (Jatie FTW lol). Basically I fell in love. (I also rediscovered my love for the first two series, though not even close to the fanatical love I have for series 3)
Paramore. My other love, though this isn't new. Because I was there at the beginning, when I first heard 'All we know is falling' something just clicked, no band had ever felt quite so right, had fit quite so well. 'Riot' was life changing. And 2009 was the year of 'Brand New Eyes' which just wins on my album of the year list (which doesn't actually exist, but if it did, it would be number one). I can't describe it really, i'm a big fan of music, my CD collection is huge and taking over my entire room, but at the end of the day if I was forced to only listen to one band for the rest of my life then it would be Paramore.
Gigs I saw in 2009 (whilst we're on the subject of music) I saw Alkaline Trio and The Audition, Alkaline Trio were great but I think I expected more, The Audition blew me away and I met Danny and had a photo taken with him and he's so stunning I was literally shaking. I went to see Elliot Minor *pulls face of disgust* well... They're not terrible, but i'm not exactly a fan, they were my ex-best friends favourite band, it was the third time i'd seen them with her (because despite not really being a fan, that was the kind of friend I was, would have done anything for her... Regretting it now!) Anyway back to actual good music, BMTH and ADTR, both were just WOW, I mean really WOW, like I don't think i've seen a show with as much power and aggression as BMTH, people can say what they like about Oli Sykes, the guy is a showman, he worked that audience perfectly and I applaud the guy. I think thats it, which is a poor effort really, i'm making up for it with a gratuitous amount of tickets purchased for 2010.
I dyed my hair this year, I like it. I also got one of the many piercings that are on my wishlist done, wish i'd made more progress on said list, but i'm lazy and I don't like pain.
I've met some cool people this year, it's been fun getting to know them, it's been fun just having fun. I dwell too much on things that have happened in the past sometimes, i'm here, i'm alive, world is at my feet and all that bollocks. Bring on 2010, lets hope i'm a little more figured out this year, I stop being a teenager in april, the big 2-0. Maybe i'll finally be a grown up... Maybe
Any questions? lol