LOL to the last part, Naomi was soooooo caught in fraganti LOL perfect my friend, you made my day as per usual ;) this chapter just put a huge smile and a grin upon my face that I can´t erase neither of them, you are awesome Chloe and you give us love, love, love *sigh* I just hope that Ruby´s bite isn´t an issue for Naomily, seriously, no more longing between Naomi and Emily, they are meant to be together and I need to read about them *cough*sexy.times*cough* so please, don´t give me a heart attack at your next update ;) now we need a proper date with Jatie *yay* in fact, a double date would so bloody brilliant and awakard *bunny*
Comments 2
Jatie passsion plus Naomily angry passion = WIN!
Cook was awesome in this chapter ypu captured the character spot on!, Cant wait for the next part
Jatie ftw
Cheers my friend *hugz* well done
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