We Love Katamari Cousins

Dec 21, 2005 09:52

I could make this private, since it's really only for my benefit, but maybe some of you will enjoy these. Thanks to negaduck9 for the descriptions on L'amour and Nutsuo.

The Prince - jumping rope
Nick - chowing down
Lalala - semaphoring
Fujio - ding ding ding
Marny - bouncing
Foomin - forcing her lobes together
Ace - situps
Havana - confused
Peso - chopping chives or green onions
June - rollerskating in camouflage
Columbo - using one of those vibrating exercise belts from the 50s
Miso - drinking tea
Odeko - very tall
Opeo - doing pullups
Shikao - watching tv
Johnson - telescoping head
Nickel - doing the robot
Dipp - rudely awakened
Honey - distorting her head into the shape of a radish
Jungle - peeking out from behind blinds
Ichigo - beating the shit out of mochi
Velvet - rocketpants
Kuro - sitting by a campfire
Marcy - playing a drum
Huey - doing cartwheels
L'amour - switching his body around and giving everyone seizures
Nutsuo - being Escher-y
Lucha - trying on different wrestling masks
Odeon - boing boing
Macho - holding his breath
Daisy - reading a book
Beyond - giving birth
Twinkle - no clue, making origami?
Shy - drinking through a crazy straw
Signolo - drinking through THREE crazy straws!
Miki - stretching and contracting
Can-can - blowing up a balloon with consequences
Slip - tranforming and multiplying
Kinoko - eating Miso!
Drooby - landing and taking off
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