Dec 22, 2005 16:05
Post anything that you want here, and post it anonymously.
A story, a secret, a confession, a fear, a question, a love...
A n y t h i n g.
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Comments 12
Today, I was taking a shower, and you know how after you use soap so much it becomes a little sliver? Well, that's what I was down to, and it was REALLY slippery. So I'm scrubbin' away, and all of a sudden, the soap falls and lands on the shower floor. The water swirls it around, and I'm frantically trying to grab it and pick it up. Then it starts to fall down the drain. I was like, "oh, SHIT" and I grab it so that it's half down the drain, and half in my fingers. So you can guess what happens next. It falls, and I start freaking out, thinking it'll clog the drain and flood our basement. So I turn off the water, and get out of the shower, all the while flippin' out in my head. I check the water heater and the basement; and then I realize it's SOAP....
But this was just my most recent story. I've got much better ones...
-i haven't really known you for very long. i met you at all state auditions and we were set up by my little boobie and we went out on a date. but things didn't really work out and we decided to be friends. a week later, you went out on a date with rebecca and now you two are dating, which is fabulous by the way. but unfortuantely for our friendship, we haven't really hung out since our date. this is too bad for me because i have listened to reb talk about what a great guy you are and i really would like to become better friends with you...or even friends. from the couple of times i have hung out with you and the times we've talked online, you do seem like an awesome person and a person i'd really like to befriend.
anyways i don't know if me posting this is going to change anything. hopefully it will though. lol
-The owner of Sparky and Capurnicus
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