The one thing that will keep me going this week (copy/pasted from IM because I'm too lazy to write it all out again)
Lotus R0kker: OMG
Lotus R0kker: Shannon
Lotus R0kker: XD I got the best story ever
oxolivewireoxo: O_O
oxolivewireoxo: Oh yeah? XD
Lotus R0kker: XD so, we have a deck now, right?
oxolivewireoxo: yeha
Lotus R0kker: The workers have replaced the doors to the backyard so it actually OPENS
Lotus R0kker: and we have another pair of doors to the deck that connect to the kitchen
Lotus R0kker: They're all shiny and new, and the workers just put on the screens in all the windows of the house, including the doors
Lotus R0kker: My dad figured we're not used to having screens on the doors, so he left sticky notes on them reminding us "Remember the screens"
Lotus R0kker: This afternoon, after the workers came in to mess with the doors (wtf), they messed up the glass to the doors and made them all dirty
Lotus R0kker: so my dad started cleaning the doors, because he's anal like that. And GUESS WHO FORGOT ABOUT THE SCREENS????
Lotus R0kker: My dad opened the door and walked RIGHT INTO the screen door
oxolivewireoxo: LOL
Lotus R0kker: Like... he really WENT for it
oxolivewireoxo: Lmaooo
oxolivewireoxo: omg
Lotus R0kker: XD he knocked the screen off and poked a hole in it
oxolivewireoxo: Oh good job XD
oxolivewireoxo: wooooow
Lotus R0kker: My brother couldnt stop laughing
Lotus R0kker: XD When my dad got up (because he literally hit the fucking deck... like... he fell on the chairs outside), my brother was like "You know whats the kicker?" and he pointed to the sticky
oxolivewireoxo: That is pretty hilarious XDD
Lotus R0kker: XD
Lotus R0kker: It totally made my week
Lotus R0kker: because I could totally see my dad flailing as he hit the screen door
You know... everything's gonna be aaaallright :D <3