I knew that our pediatrician is a Christian, and before anyone gets defensive, that does not bother me. Until last week, I adored him. At Samuel's checkup, we were discussing his recent behavior and how he is so frequently contrary and defiant
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Comments 36
I've struck Samuel on the behind in the moment of misbehavior and know it doesn't work. It makes me feel terrible, it makes him feel terrible, and oh look! It doesn't alter his behavior!
I need a different solution, and am working on it, but of course whatever we come up with, we have to be consistent between all four of us.
You and some other friends are great models... if only we could have a little conference together!
It always come back to me wishing I could be home with them. Somehow I feel I could do better if I wasn't trying to parent while under the added stress of my job.
I love our ped, but last year he told us the only way we would ever get Sam to sleep well is to let him cry it out. We agreed to disagree on that... We tried CIO and it was hopeless in the long run. If he brought religion into it - which I suppose is possible, given that we live in the Bible belt - I don't know what I would do, because I really don't want that to be a part of my parenting. At all.
I didn't like by-the-book pregnancies and don't plan to be a by-the-book (any book) parent, but ideas are a good thing. I'm lookin' for ideas!
Oh how I love PBS!
I'll check the bookstore for the Budd title.
Wow. I'm stunned that a) a pediatrician would hold such opinons, and b) he would express them to a patient.
That said, I'd have a tendency to go with the majority. If this guy is a good medic, keep him. If he is 'average' then its not with overlooking some aspects to his psyche that make you uncomfortable.
So far, I've been pleased with him in all other respects. Super-secret probation it is, then.
It reminds me of Jacob bringing home a crossword puzzle from catechism and asking me for help with "In God's eyes, we are all ______." I thought, "innocent?" "children?" Nope - "sinners." Well, then.
But it's different when you're looking for a doctor for someone who can't choose one for himself, I imagine.
Philosophically, though, should the worst thing come to pass and your child end up in a bad way, you don't want to end up in a battle royale over how your child will be treated medically because of religious differences, nor do you want your pediatrician passing judgment on your parenting based on his religious thinking.
On the other hand, if he's an excellent doctor and your kids love and trust him, I'd be loathe to separate them, because he might one day save their lives, and he is very likely objective in his thinking.
On balance, I think I'd ask him to keep his religious views to himself, and put him on secret probation, like you mentioned before.
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