Very nice introduction. I look forward to reading some of your thoughts and your words that just stream out of your head, because often I write the same way. Good luck!
(And I love your layout's font, by the way. It makes your layout all pretty and fancy.)
Thank you! As a writer, I try to make my thoughts coherent even if they don't mean much to anyone but me, so hopefully they won't all be useless. :)
I love it, too! If you ever need the best layouts LJ has to offer for free, go straight to gawariel_design. She's the best layout designer I've ever found - her layouts are both functional and gorgeous - a rare combination!
I gotcha. When you said "Yay Hogwarts" I thought you meant hogwarts_elite, not Hogwarts as it is in the book. A lot of members are doing LJ Idol so it wasn't a far stretch for me to think you were one of them and I just hadn't met you yet. Sorry 'bout that!
HP junkies are totally welcome to read anything I write, the reference is always there is some way (my mood theme is a good example).
Comments 36
Welcome, and enjoy. And we'll fill you in on what's going on as it unfolds.
Thanks so much! I'm sure I'll need more fill in than a butter cream wedding cake.
(And I love your layout's font, by the way. It makes your layout all pretty and fancy.)
I love it, too! If you ever need the best layouts LJ has to offer for free, go straight to gawariel_design. She's the best layout designer I've ever found - her layouts are both functional and gorgeous - a rare combination!
Thank you!
HP junkies are totally welcome to read anything I write, the reference is always there is some way (my mood theme is a good example).
I'm surprised there are so many H_E folks doing this. It's kind of awesome. Socialization FTW!
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