It's a good idea. The daily blog check in thing. If your strapped for time, then perhaps you should make it about who ever had the greatest need on a particular day or just who ever happens to be out
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Re: Tent in the living room.melly1022February 17 2009, 01:30:05 UTC
Hey there! :-) I'd be THRILLED to talk with you, ask questions, etc. any time you want to. Trust me...anything you have to tell me about your experiences with your inner family is worth WAY more that anything I could do for you. :-) And I'd be completely honored for you to think of me as a sort of mentor/confidant? Does that sound similar to what you were thinking of? If you like I could give you my personal email - or is there some other sort of arrangement that you'd like
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Comments 9
Now we know.
We're getting this, slowly.
Rusty found some binoculars on sale, and we bought Forest a pair.
He's thrilled. Now he can see the mountains and the trees up close.
Now maybe sitting on the balcony won't feel to him like he's still in a minimum-security prison.
(Hey. Progress is progress, right ?)
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