Sometimes I wish I could just give up games entirely so that I could focus completely on practicing art stuffs.
But if it weren't for games, I would never be drawing in the first place. Besides which, I love them entirely too much. Games are my life. So that's not happening.
But man, wtf do I do. I just gotta' be more dedicated, I guess.
I wish I could say I was looking forward to school in a week. But I'm not. Not at all. I couldn't say why, either. My teacher is awesome. It's the class I've wanted to take from the beginning.
My father will always find a way to make any conversation about JFK, 9/11, the Titanic or the Lincoln Assassination. Compared to this, his women troubles of 5-7 years ago were a god damn blessing.
Reading old AIM chats always fills me with a myriad of emotions, the biggest of them nostalgic and melancholy. I've said it before that I hope my best days aren't behind me and I still really hope that isn't the case. Looking where I'm at in life, though, it's super difficult not to feel that way.