★ First Impressions
☆ VISUAL: Benny is a little taller than average but still shorter than Brax, dammit, dark hair, her build is somewhere between athletic and gangly, pretty flat chested, she looks somewhere in her mid-thirties.
☆ AURAL: Very British. She speaks English. Her voice can be very nice and pleasant to listen to, until she gets screechy or shouty, which she can quite often. She has a habit of using mocking and sarcastic tones liberally and to the annoyance of certain people around her.
☆ OLFACTORY: Booze! She smells a bit boozy, it's just the way of things. She might also smell like dust and old books and the remnants of whatever explosion she was nearly caught in. She also seems pretty intent on holding on to some femininity, so now and again there might be the scent of perfume, something light and flowery though and not overly seductive, because that's not the attention she's particularly looking for these days. She also might smell a bit like cats and babies and Jason Bloody Kane. Have fun with that last one, Irving :Db
☆ DEMEANOUR: Benny slouches, she makes herself overly familiar with her surroundings, in short she's not the most well mannered person this side of the galaxy. She will invade personal space if it suits her. She will help herself to your stuff if you leave it lying around. She will slouch in the most formal of settings, although if the setting is formal enough and her self worth is in question, she will do her best to appear as mannered and formal and well postured as possible. Usually this ends none too well. In short, Benny walks around like she owns the place and politeness and niceties are usually forgotten in whatever it is that has her interest.
★ IC Permissions
☆ PHYSICAL AFFECTION: Sure, why not! Depending on who you are, she might punch you or return the favor.
☆ PHYSICAL VIOLENCE: Go for it, although Benny will hit back, and then shout at you as well. It can be very annoying, apparently.
☆ RELATIONSHIPS: She's in a rather steady relationship at home, and as close to healthy as she can manage, so shipping with her probably wouldn't go anywhere.
☆ PSYCHIC & PSIONIC INFORMATION: Benny herself doesn't have any psychic or psionic abilities. She does live in a time where people can create devices for psychic communication, although Benny really doesn't use these that often. She's also a traveler in time, displaced in time, and living through a reverted timeline, so I'm not sure if that's stuff psychics can pick up. Psychic and psionic stuff does freak her out a bit, particularly things involving empathy, so ask before doing anything? The answer will usually be yes, but I'd rather have a heads up first.
☆ MAGICAL INFORMATION: Benny's not magic, but she does wear a ring that allows her to travel through space and time. Benny's universe is dominated by Clarke's Law, so anything that seems like magic she's just going to assume is very advanced technology. Feel free to use magic against her though!
☆ MEDICAL INFORMATION: Despite appearing to be in her thirties, she's probably somewhere in her fifties. Traveling through time makes it hard to measure these things though, and even she's not sure how old she is anymore. Her time ring keeps her age locked, so despite her chronological age, she is more or less biologically in her thirties, although if going through certain scans or whatever, it probably would become clear just how old she is. Also, her DNA and molecular structure has been affected by time travel, although not in any immediately visible ways. Besides that, she's in pretty good shape, her liver might not be the happiest due to so much abuse, but she is for all appearances a healthy human female.
☆ OFFENSIVE SUBJECTS & TRIGGERS: The only thing that really triggers her or upsets her horribly would be certain psychic powers, so just ask first before using!
★ OOC Permissions
☆ BACKTAGGING: Yes, please. I love backtags!
☆ THREADHOPPING: Go for it! Just the standard "if it looks important or private, ask first" rule.
☆ FOURTHWALLING: Benny's life is a life fourthwalled. Seriously. So go for it.
☆ DO NOT WANT: I'm pretty open to most things. Just nothing too emo or purple or over the top, although I still enjoy drama from time to time. So just ask before you pull my character into anything very dramatic first.
☆ ANYTHING ELSE? I think that's about it!