Dear Diary,
This is always a strange time of year for me, at least living away from Andorhal. I feel like I should be working my fingers to the bone and attending far too many parties for my own good, drinking wine until late at night, and then sneaking out of my room once my parents have gone to bed so I can spend the night at Riley's anyway. Just the other night, in fact, I woke up around three in the morning and very nearly climbed out of the window until Oliver saw me and asked what I was doing. And that was awkward.
We're settling into a weird pattern ourselves, a pattern with nothing bad happening to us. I know, I should probably knock on wood where that's concerned and cross my fingers and such, and I'm sure it's only a matter of time before, say, Oliver gets captured by some cult wanting to sacrifice him to their cheese god or something and I go and rescue him or vice versa. We talked about it a few days ago, one of those early morning walks we have. Oliver told me that he's still terrified that one of these days, we'll be out walking and the Apophan will swoop down out of the sky like some demon bat and steal me out of his arms again. And that he won't be able to get me back this time.
It's not that I don't fear that. I do. Part of me still wakes up in the mornings and thinks, when the sun hits my face just right, that I'm back there and that I won't be able to hold out anymore. But another part of me...
I don't know. I think it might just be Oliver. He makes me stronger and less afraid, even if he's afraid himself. And I can't blame him for being afraid. Light knows I had more than my fair share of terrors last May... I don't think I slept at all the first several nights. I felt like if I closed my eyes for more than a few minutes at a time, I'd open them and Oliver would be gone again. And that's not even mentioning the nightmares.
Still. I think I'm starting to realize (again), that we will always find each other, no matter what happens. And Light knows we've had enough strangeness happen.
Anyway, on a happier note, we started talking about the Sigil's clinics and the Sigil itself. It's so bizarre how almost nobody that was there when we first met them is there any longer. I know people are still around... I've seen Liotuse around Stormwind, and Heliorn's been about a few times. Of course, there's Arubrey, and Dyna's been about as well. Other people have disappeared completely, but nearly everyone from back then is gone from the Sigil itself. It's so unfamiliar, and most of the faces now are strangers to us, even after working with them for a few weeks.
And back to the clinics... I'm starting to wonder if they aren't too frequent. Oh, of course, people need medical care and such, but I wonder if we oughtn't have larger clinics less frequently... places where we not only heal people but teach them to heal themselves, to defend themselves, and so on. We could have midway games there, too, and maybe carnival food. Anything to make it less boring more than just us giving away things for a night.
I ought to bring it up to Lassair and Balderos. I wonder what they'd think.
Also, someone apparently beat up Ziichi last night. Light, I swear, it's a wonder that girl can even walk any longer. I should read the report, but I think I got the gist of it over the comms. Someone carved the letters F. B. into her cheek, and that acts like a word puzzle for me, so cheerful times may yet abound. I'll have to ask Oliver about it. He's good at helping me with word puzzles.
...Light, I love him.