Haha, my goal was 100 books, but I guess that didn't quite work out. :D For most of them, I have no idea whether you've read them, so I'm just going to throw a few titles at you! I really enjoyed Rivers of London and the sequel by Ben Aaronovitch, and I'd definitely rec that. It's fresh and funny urban fantasy with a spin? The Name of the Wind and The Wise Man's Fear by Patrick Rothfuss of course (though I liked TNotW better than TWMF) because omg high fantasy, fascinating magic system and great world-building. I'd recommend anything by Brandon Sanderson because he is one of my favourite fantasy authors ever. (Again, most fabulous magic systems.) Some more urban fantasy books that I thought were really, really enjoyable were White Cat and Red Glove by Holly Black. Oh, and I loved both The Princess Bride and Winter's Bone to bits.
Patrick Rothfuss! I read both of those books this year as well, and yesssss they are amazing. Branden Sanderson is another author I want to read more of -- I'd read all of his Alcatraz versus the Evil Librarians YA books, but I haven't tackled any of his adult fantasy novels yet.
The Princess Bride is classic, yo. It is timeless.
I need more Rothfuss, Nance. Nooowww. D: Also, Brandon Sanderson's adult fantasy novels are ~amazing. I haven't read The Way of Kings and The Alloy of Law yet, but both the Mistborn trilogy and Warbreaker are HIGHLY RECOMMENDED AFSDLK;DSFL. I enjoyed Elantris as well even though, being his debut novel, it still has a few flaws that he's since managed to diminish. (:
The Princess Bride is so gooood. And I'll probably always fondly remember how William Goldman actually led me on for a quite a while. :D /embarrassing facts
How did you like Looking for Alaska? I always see it sitting on the shelf at my local library and am tempted to borrow it because for a moment I forget that it's not about the state. Then I remember that it's about a person and don't borrow it.
I really enjoyed it! It's YA, so naturally if you don't like YA, this book might not be for you. I like John Green as a rule though. I don't usually read a lot of non-fantasy YA, but his kind of grips me.
Oooh so many lovely books! I kept track of everything I read this year in my diary, but then I left my diary at uni so now that it's January and I can tell people about all the books and give ~opinions~ I don't actually have the list! Woe.
Ugh I am jealous of all of the theatricalities you had! But I am going to have a better year of theatre this year I think, I have been to two already and have plans for at least two more, so that is very nice. :)
Yay for so many lovely things this year, and ESPECIAL yay for getting to actually finally meet and flail with you, and woo OPTIMISM THIS YEAR WILL BE AWESOME \o/
Oh Han. :D This keeping track thing just doesn't seem to work for you, does it? THE UNIVERSE HAS CONSPIRED AGAINST YOU.
Haha, I'd actually planned to see so much more! But still, it was a great year, and I saw a few awesome things, so I'm not complaining. I hope you get to see lots of great things! Maybe we can go see something together if I manage to actually plan my next trip to London. :D?
Meeting you was faaaabulous! <3 HAPPY NEW YEAR HAN WE'RE GOING TO ROCK 2012.
Comments 10
OPTIMISM, YES. I am with you there!
The Princess Bride is classic, yo. It is timeless.
The Princess Bride is so gooood. And I'll probably always fondly remember how William Goldman actually led me on for a quite a while. :D /embarrassing facts
Ugh I am jealous of all of the theatricalities you had! But I am going to have a better year of theatre this year I think, I have been to two already and have plans for at least two more, so that is very nice. :)
Yay for so many lovely things this year, and ESPECIAL yay for getting to actually finally meet and flail with you, and woo OPTIMISM THIS YEAR WILL BE AWESOME \o/
Love you!
Haha, I'd actually planned to see so much more! But still, it was a great year, and I saw a few awesome things, so I'm not complaining. I hope you get to see lots of great things! Maybe we can go see something together if I manage to actually plan my next trip to London. :D?
Meeting you was faaaabulous! <3 HAPPY NEW YEAR HAN WE'RE GOING TO ROCK 2012.
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