
Jun 11, 2004 17:28

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Comments 3

jinglebellrox June 11 2004, 23:10:01 UTC
you are a big reason why i want to be in naples now. did i ever let you know that i was real grateful/happy the weekend we sorta stayed over at mel's? cause that was great. and well, all the times at the mall, ect, (btw how is adam?) the point is, thanks for all the god times, if i were in naples it would be necesary to create more. =P
love you hon,
p.s. i don't think that you have bad luck with men, but hey, maybe you did, also 'igor'? interesting name, and loved the "wtf mate" mention (gotta see that clip again soon). and once again, we have to go to the movies, or bowling, i'd like to go bowling, when i get in town, if you're free and willing.


brasilforever June 11 2004, 23:14:28 UTC
Aww, thank you, sweetie! Melissa and I are trying to get a big group to go bowling, by the time we actually get around to doing it I'm sure you'll be back.

Adam is fine. I haven't really hung out with him lately but I've talked to him.


jinglebellrox June 11 2004, 23:29:50 UTC
okey, was just wondering (about adam) cause i had spent a hell of a lot of time with him, because of you, so i figured it'd be rude not to ask. what's the rumor bit about strikes and spares???


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