One year...
One long freakin' year...
It has been one year since I gave my belt back to Torin, and changed a major part of how I viewed myself. Being a non-squire after many years of seeing myself as such was really difficult. I am glad I took the time to not be one for a while...
*looks around at all the changes in myself and how I act*
Yep. Life is definately better. Still have some changes to do.. *sigh* but I am thinking that is what is going to be going on for the next year or two..
I wonder sometimes in a previous life if I pissed off a male god...
It seems that a lot of my earlier choices in men in my life have been for the wrong reason, or that I have outgrown them. *sigh*
I wish it weren't so. =(
But.. in celebration of better things in my life, I popped open a bottle of some pinotage. yummy happiness.
Now, it is off to bed to read a while while in my jammmies and woobey socks, since I can't hang out in a bubble bath with my rubber duckies to keep me company. I did a couple of loads of laundry and the dishes -- I deserve the slackitude right now. (this after working a full day.. go me!)
Off with my clothes!