XDD I actually haven't written anything else. This was my RL journal--it had past memories, but not many XDD;... Like I said, I finally gathered the courage to post THOSE on dn_yaoi. <3
I will certainly be posting more. :) I've received lots of encouragement and I've had many plot bunnies hopping in my head. XD
*many huggles* <3 I hope you're willing to wait for me! :D
I noticed that you write DN yaoi. Friend? I know you don't know me, but I would really like to read some of your fics (and the one I am looking at is past my DN time frame).
Comments 69
*glompage ensued here <3*
:O Oh--sis in law! I've missed you and your craziness!
Frankly, I feel like you deleted your past and your memories.
And I know I've seen some pretty stupid entries of my own over in DJ-land.
I have plenty of memories at DJ. :) I'd never delete anything there. XDDD
o_O It would take forever...
Now, DJ on the other hand, it still has a growing box of memories.
[o_O Had to delete and re-edit. Way to spell "true" incorrectly, Jenna. XD;]
I will certainly be posting more. :) I've received lots of encouragement and I've had many plot bunnies hopping in my head. XD
*many huggles* <3 I hope you're willing to wait for me! :D
I miss you guys a lot ;.;
I now am in Cleveland, and went to Caroline-sempai's journal, and found yours, cause I couldn't find that paper you wrote your's on in the car....
But now I found you! Mind if I friended your journal? And are you planning on making a new one? ::tilts head::
Although, I've only written two fics for DN Well... For anything, I guess.. [Matt's Mission and Fetish] I have plans to write more. x_X
:D I'm not sure if you've read Fetish but it's Raito x L and doesn't have any spoilers. XD; It's just cracktastic.
"Cracktastic" sounds fun. I'll check it out.
XD; Let me know what you think! ^^
>>; Yeah, I'm starting to think crack is my thing... Crack and smut. XD! I can't wait to read more of your stuff!
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