So a while back I decided to start burning CDs of classic, seminal, or otherwise interesting albums that I would never be able to afford purchasing. There's no single rule for what I would burn or what I wouldn't, except no "rock" allowed. so this is what I ended up with
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Comments 15
Tropicalia was a mid-to-late 60's movement in Brazillian music which incorporated socially/politically aware lyrics with an American/British pop sensibility--particularly the later Beatles and other "psychedelic" music of the time. Think of like Sgt. Pepper's with Brazillian lyrics and a slight samba feel.
And if you're putting Forever Changes on there you may want to check out Odessey and Oracle by the Zombies. By the time you get to "Time Of The Season" you will have forgotten they were the band that did it. Wonderful baroque chamber-pop album.
If you can stomach the odder end of prog (e.g. Henry Cow, The Art Bears, etc.) you might want to check out either Sleepytime Gorilla Museum or Idiot Flesh. Odd time signatures, weird structures, homemade instruments, shifts from beautiful, tinkly music to cookie monster vocals. IF broke up in the late '90s, leading to SGM. An ancillary band was Charming Hostess, who used IF to back up a trio of women singing in Bulgarian, Yiddish, English and Ladino.
...and maybe Halber Mensch by Einsturzende Neubauten...
I've never heard of any of that other stuff, but based on the above I'll look into it. Thanks man.
alright, its time for me to come home and hang out with my boys!
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