What is wrong with people? Minnesota was progressive enough to elect a Muslim man to Congress, not that that action should be progressive. Seeing as Muslims consider the Q'ran holy and do not specifically ahdere to the Christian Bible (although there are some overlaps), it seems fair that Rep.-elect Keith Ellison wants to be sworn into office using the book that he considers holy. In my opinion, that shows a more serious commitment to his duties as a Representative.
I don't even understand how this is related to illegal immegration, either. The vast majority of illegal immigrants coming into the United States are Christian, not Muslim. He's just making the typical, right-wing argument that everything supposedly bad is connected by tenuous strings that all tie back to Islam. His argument? All bullshit.
It's men like Rep. Goode here who are the reason other countries hate us, and think we're stupid and bigoted, and he's the reason we're a target for terrorism.
I majored in Religion and Politics to stop people like him, and it makes me sad that, while I know that my job does do good, I'm not in an area for which I have a passion.