❦ Mun
Name: Red
Journal: on DW - lillegalguru
Contact Info: LilLegalGuru on AIM
Other Characters: NA
❦ Character Info
Name: Bernard
Movie/series: The Rescuers and The Rescuers Down Under
Year/Position: Bernard is a college professor of International Relations
Non-Speaking Animal Companion(if any): NA
Powers(if any): He can talk and can be extremely brave even if he acts cowardly most of the time.
Canon history:
The Rescuers and
The Rescuers Down UnderAU history: Bernard was born and raised in New York City located in Evangeline. He's a simple mouse of simple desires and is happy to take whatever he can get in terms of wealth, food, or employment. He comes from a loving household and grew up to be a very quiet and humble mouse as a result of a stutter which becomes worse the more nervous he gets.
When Bernard starts looking for work he ends up finding an opening as a janitor for the Rescue Aid Society - an elite group of mice dedicated to helping those in need when everyone else has given up. He applies for the position and is hired. He leads a happy and uncomplicated life sweeping up and taking out the trash but he secretly longs to join the Society. However, he knows that is impossible. All the mice in the Society had demonstrated courage and bravery beyond anything he could muster and he doesn't consider himself anything but average intelligence.
During an emergency meeting of the Society Bernard is performing his normal duties as a janitor when he attracts the attention of one of the Society's delegates - Miss Bianca. Bianca is the delegate from Hungary and she is very beautiful. When she makes a heartfelt plea to take on the latest case it is decided that she should have a partner for the mission. While every male in the room wants her to pick them Bianca stuns everyone and choses Bernard to be her co-agent.
Bernard, terrified at that prospect, tries to talk her out of it at first explaining that he is merely the janitor. That doesn't deter Bianca in the least and in the end she and Bernard take on the mission and find the kidnapped girl, Penny. Penny is safely returned and adopted and Bernard is given far more attention than he ever thought he would get - all because Miss Bianca saw something in him no one else did - strength of heart.
Many missions later, Bernard and Bianca are called on again to save a kidnapped child - Cody. By this time, Bernard is an official delegate within the Society representing the United States of America. They head out for Australia to rescue the boy and in the process Bernard proves once again why he belongs in the Society and in Bianca's heart. He refuses to give up even in the face of certain disaster and nearly gives his life to save Cody's. In the end, Cody is saved and Bernard asks Bianca if she will marry him - and, of course, she says 'yes'.
When Bernard returns to New York, though, there is a letter waiting for him. Within a few days, the timid mouse is off to the Academy. He has accepted a position at the college teaching a course on International Relations. The mouse hopes that he can help in some small way to save lives.
Personality: Bernard is timid. That is the most obvious aspect of his personality. And on the surface that's all you see. He doesn't strike the casual observer as very smart or exceptionally brave. However, there is more to Bernard than meets the eye and one person sees that - Miss Bianca.
Bernard is determined. He never gives up once he has committed himself to something or someone. He isn't fool-hearty and he doesn't go looking for danger but when the occasion arises the mouse's drive pushes him to do things he might not otherwise. In one moment, Bernard is frightened of the number 13 and hates flying but in the next he is jumping into a raging river to save a boy who is drowning and heading toward a waterfall.
The mouse is the bravest mouse you'll ever meet because he's able to fight past his own insecurities and find inner strength. He is actually quite intelligent and since he is so quiet he sees more than most. He is a keen investigator who has a nose for clues and an admirable ability to problem solve.
Bernard's strength of heart and character are why he is a member of the Rescue Aid Society and that is also why he was asked to join the Academy. He wants to teach his young charges about the world and how to relate to each other. He wants to celebrate diversity and strengthen what everyone has in common so that there is a unified front in the face of the enemy.
Greatest Fear: Bernard is afraid of a great many things but his greatest fear is that he failing the Society and, even more so, Miss Bianca. Bernard doesn't think he's all that special but Miss Bianca loves him regardless - he never wants to let her down. She means everything to him and he doesn't want to disappoint her - ever.
What are your plans with this character?: I want to see how Bernard reacts to a setting with a wide and varied cast. I also want to give him a chance to grow and become more confident. Additionally, I think it would be fun to have him teaching students about life in international relations. Also? He's Bernard and he's adorable. Do I need any more reason than that? :D
❦ Writing
Third person writing sample:
Bernard was running late. His first day of teaching and he was late! The alarm hadn't gone off and now he was running across campus, anxiously glancing down at a small slip of paper from time to time. He had to find this building and that room. Oh, he had gone and looked at it before but in his hurry he was getting turned around. This campus never seemed to end. Of course, he was a mouse and that feeling was to be expected, he supposed.
He had never imagined himself in a position like this - teaching young minds about matters of international importance. The mouse knew he had a lot riding on his very small shoulders. He only hoped he was up to the task. Of course, no one had thought he would become an agent in the Rescue Aid Society and look at him now, though, it was in large part due to Miss Bianca's encouragement.
He finally found the building and ran inside. Luckily, someone was kind enough to old the door as he scurried through with arms full of books and his brief case. Oh, how he wished he had been on time. Still, there was no changing the fact now that as he hurried along he was almost ten minutes late. He hoped his students would still be there. Even more so he hoped that no one from the administration found out about his tardiness.
Bernard saw a door ahead with the indicated number on it. At last - he breathed a sigh of relief as he approached the door, trying his best to steady his breath before walking into his room. His room. That was going to take some getting used to.
The classroom was full and every eager face turned as he walked across the front of the room. The new professor glanced around, taking in his pupils. "Good-good morning, class. I apologize for my la-lateness. M-my-my name is Professor Bernard and th-this is For-foreign Re-relations class."
First person writing sample: [The video feed clicks on to show a grey mouse in a red sweater with a brownish-grey hat. He looks nervous but fights through it.]
Hel-hello. M-my name is Bernard. I am one of the new-newest professors here. I-I te-teach Foreign Relations at the college level. My-my class is open to any stu-student with pre-prerequisites in p-political sci-science com-completed. Re-required reading for my class will in-include Hobbes and Nietzsche. I-I also wi-will have my-my students learning about various governmental units around th-the world. I-I look forward to lively discussions in m-my class. I ho-hope you will consider sign-signing up for it. A-a better understanding of the world around us is-is a key to working in-in this situation.
A Note On Bernard's Stammering: I don't really talk how Bob Newhart does (Bernard's voice actor). I try my best to imitate it but it's not easy. As Bernard gets to know people the stammer does decrease. It is only when he is in a new situation or meeting new people that his stammer really kicks up.