The holiday season is fast approaching, my dears, and I thought that I should do my part to help with the celebrations, since fourteen hours of labor before giving birth obviously was not enough. I'm sure that you all know what an exchange is, but you should feel free to ask any questions that you might have in the comments.
Sign-ups end on the 17th of November, and all assignments go out the following day.
You may not share information about your assignment with anyone except a "beta." It is to remain a secret until after all of the submissions are posted.
You must follow the specification of your assignment, or there will be consequences, as there are for all things in this life.
There is a minimum wordcount of 500 for all fanfiction.
All submissions must have a holiday theme and/or setting.
Submissions are due by the 18th of December and should be sent as an attatchment to
To sign-up, leave a comment on this post using the form below.
E-mail address:
Your requests (up to five pairings and/or groups of characters, including the name(s) of their fandoms):
You wish to receive (fic/art/either):
Further specifications:
What you will give (fic/art/either):
With which fandoms are you familiar?
Is there anything that you will not write/draw?
I expect to see many of you participate. Happy Holidays, my loves.
((You can sign-up for multiple characters in a single comment and ask questions OOC. Screening is on.))