Title: The Spice of Death
Rating: G
Pairing/Characters: Death, Binky
i_speak_in_caps The grimy snow fell lightly across the flagstones in front of the illuminated door, bright reds and greens skimming across the melting slush. The sound of drunken revellers echoed down the street as the manager stood in the doorway staring up at the night sky for once clear, the stars shining down on the cold Hogswatch eve.
The waiter flicked the latex decoration watching it swing before glancing back at the patrons within.
The moon was suddenly crossed with a flowing figure on a horse, death overlooked the city, it had been a long night but finally his work was drawing to a close as he landed on the cobbled stones of the street before sliding off his horse and taking Binky’s reigns slowly walking through the drunken revellers walking into a dark alley. A figure lying on the floor and a less substantial one standing over it.
The figure jumped and turned around watching him wide eyed before looking at the floor and then at him and then at the floor once more before watching him and screaming.
“IT’S GOING TO BE ONE OF THOSE NIGHTS.” The cloaked figure replied as the screaming woman disappeared into the ether. He sighed shaking his head taking Binky’s reigns and moving to his next appointment.
The manager moved back into the kitchens a large pan was set on the stove’s hob. A sack full of oats was emptied into the pan, as the oats were heated.
“Where have you been?” A withered voice announced imperiously. “I’ve been waiting for years, you’ve taken your sweet time haven’t you?” He replied looking up at the tall skeletal figure expectantly.
If he had eyelids he would’ve blinked, instead he simply looked at the elderly man for a moment. “YES. YOU WEREN’T SCHEDULED UNTIL NOW.”
“Excuses, excuses, I’m sick of the things…oh dear I haven’t left the gas on have I?…No I haven’t. So.”
“Well where do I go now?”
“Oh…where do you suggest…I assume you’re used to such things.”
“I go to a world of jelly and nubile young women dote on me for my wisdom.”
“Oh alright, I always had the image of being in some sort of railway station leading to…” the voice trailed off as the ghostly elderly man dissipated.
The patrons were gone, and the manager cleaned the tables, setting the chairs on top of the tables all except for one, setting on a salad and some mango chutney, with a little cucumber yoghurt. A cool jug set on the table next to the glass, popadoms and a plate of na’an set around it. In the middle sat a plate of Christmas vindaloo, turkey substituted for chicken. He poured the heated oats into a large nosebag before setting it on the side and washing the pans. After setting them on the side the place was locked up. The manager wiped at the glass covering an old painting, hundreds of years old, dated back to the birth of the age of dark in Uberwald, and another older from the counterweight continent and then another older still from Klatch. All had a similar figure in the back. The manager sat down on the chair next to the table and sat in wait.
The robed figure appeared walking through the locked door, Binky in tow. The manager smiled and pulled his chair back welcoming him in and showing him to the table, before walking over to the horse patting his neck and setting the nosebag over the horse’s neck. “Long day?” He asked, the music chiming over the speakers floating across the room.
“YES,” He replied looking at the best curry in the world, and he knew it was, he’d looked.
“Close up when you’ve finished.” He replied with a smile, bowing his head before leaving the restaurant.
Death smiled and sat back in his seat before tucking into his well-deserved Hogswatch treat.
After his meal was finished, and he assumed it tasted as well as it should taste. He pulled out an hourglass and looked at it curiously the sand seemed still, slower than the rest almost still. He didn’t know why, or how, but he knew he would be back next year and the year after that, and the year after that...